A winning Strategy for Lead generation
Last week, one of our “newish” Inner Circle Members posted this, and it made me smile: "Just had a lady in another FB group tell me that giveaways would never work. I told her I was planning to do one as we speak. She said, 'Don't be scared to post your failed...
Get ready for IOS14 changes in 3 short steps
At the Social Sales Girls, we're working hard to make sure everyone in our Community has the information they need to continue to get results from ads. Here's what you need to do: Connect the new Facebook app to Shopify. Verify your domain in Facebook Business...
Have you tried this to generate leads?
The Perfect Giveaway is my favorite way to generate a lot of leads and begin the process of warming them up to become buyers.I like to run this even before prime buying times. This time, I’m running the event before Mother’s day and Father’s Day so that I can have a...
Why I almost Closed The Social Sales Girls
Every year I talk about the Tribe Experience and what it’s done for my business. But, what I bet you don’t know is that 4 years ago, before Tribe, I was making plans to shut down the Social Sales Girls. My Shopify store was growing nicely, I was paying myself well,...
How Lola went from Crickets to Crushing her Goals
Last week, Lola posted this in our Members only Group: "I crushed my March sales goal finishing with a 69% increase in sales from the previous year in March! An even bigger win? I'm seeing the potential for an additional career path if I don't want to work in the...
Do these 3 things and sleep better
Last week I was answering member’s questions in our Inner Circle, and when I came across this question, I stopped in my tracks.“What if my ultimate goal was to sell my business? What boxes does my business need to check in order to be attractive to a buyer?” And if...
Getting the right Traffic? Here’s how you can check.
This popped up in our Inner Circle Group the other day. "My gut is telling me I'm not getting the right traffic." I hear this all the time. And guess what, there is a way you can find out for sure. And if you aren't getting the right traffic, there are steps you can...
How to fast track and get the business you want sooner.
I know you need to hear this today, because I see you showing up and working hard.You really can grow the business of your dreams, and it doesn't have to take forever. So how do you get the business of your dreams on the fast track?It starts with accepting the reality...
5 strategies to stop cash flow stress for good
So, this popped up in our Inner Circle Group the other day. “I'm tired of waking up anxious thinking of my financial situation. Makes me feel like I must be doing something wrong." Sound Familiar? I know that feeling. And I also know it was probably hard to write...
4 strategies that are basically all my sales
I’m sharing my 2020 results at Sock Doggo, but what’s more important, I’ll tell you what I did to get them. It’s interesting, because when I break it down, it boils down to 4 things, and I’ll give you the details, so you can take away what might apply to your...
Unsure where you should focus? Figure it out in just 4 steps.
Our Inner Circle Member Jen had a sales increase 950% last year. That’s great. And, she started paying herself. I love this because she’s set herself up for financial success as she grows.But even though she’s had all this success, this week, she posted in our...
Do less, and maximize your sales. Here’s how to start.
You know about the 80/20 rule, right? Our marketing version of the Pareto Principle might go something like this: 80% of your sales comes from 20% of your work. I think it’s true. In many cases. But how do you identify that 20%? A few days ago I sat down and helped...
The Secret to Growing your Sales by 25%
This month, I’ve been working with our Inner Circle members to create a plan for 2021, a plan to get them to their goals. The plan starts with just four things. First, identify your starting point: Where are you starting from? What does your business look like right...
Do this to max your sales this month and beyond.
With Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales behind us, it’s now time to turn our focus to finishing the year strong. Believe it or not, there is a way to get solid sales in December without a massive effort. All while keeping your sanity. Here’s the trick. Get people...
My Conversion Rate is up 92%. Here’s what happened.
I think you might love this.Last week I ran a sponsored email collaboration with Pink Poster.We both agreed to create discount codes for each other's audiences.I really wanted to make it easy for the Pink Poster audience to get their discount.So without thinking it...
The story of how this tiny shop quadrupled sales by changing one thing
We’re working away on our Roadmap to 50K journey, but last week we switched it up, to share an inspirational story that I think some of you need to hear right now. In fact, it might be the most valuable lesson you’ll ever learn.The story starts with our very own...
The most valuable subject line you’ll ever use
Want to see the most valuable subject line you’ll ever use? I’m going to tell you the subject line, but I want you to stay with me here, because you’ll want context. When and how to use it, so you can make this part of your big picture strategy So here’s the subject...
Your November marketing plan in 3 simple steps
We all know that November brings our best opportunity to really maximize our sales. If you’re like me, it’s easy to get lost thinking about all the things you could do to make it your best month yet.This year, I’ve decided to keep it simple. I want to get sales AND...
3 reasons to check your pop-up today
Do you know how many leads you get from your pop-up each month?If you’re not focused on what’s happening with your pop-up, you might be leaving money on the table.And if you don’t have a pop-up, you’re definitely leaving money on the table.At my new store, Sock Doggo,...
How Madeline changed everything without spending a fortune on ads
I want you to meet someone special, because I think you’ll get huge value from her story.Madeline’s business, Colorful Cute, has been very much a side hustle since she opened her shop in 2017.Like so many of us, she was busy with her day job, 3 kids, and all the...
What you can learn from my 11 months of sales
I’ve been open for business at Sock Doggo for 11 months! And in that time, I've learned a thing or two about what actually gets me sales. When I break it down, there are 2 big rocks that I can connect to more than 64% of my total sales. That’s huge. It means I need to...
How you can make a simple Marketing Plan
We’ve reached the 4th quarter (yay!) and now it’s time to really focus on maximizing the last few months of the year. This week I’m sharing my Marketing Plan for October at Sock Doggo. You might find some inspiration there, or, you might be more interested in how you...
What it cost to generate 2000 email leads
At Sock Doggo we have been hyper focused on Leads. I even made it my ‘big’ goal for the month.My goal was to generate 2000 leads in September.We’ve been selling the same box of socks for 10 months, and we’re finally receiving socks for 4 new dog breeds.I decided the...
Reporting 10 months of Sales at my new store
At the end of August, we completed our first 10 months of sales at Sock Doggo. To be honest, when I look back at where we were and where we are now, it’s easy for me to feel disappointed about my progress. I think that for many people, that’s common. In the Inner...
The cost of my new socks and other details
At Sock Doggo, I’m about to receive more than 6000 pairs of socks. And in all honesty, it couldn’t happen soon enough. I’ve been selling the same product for 10 months, and it’s been a tough go since our best month in June. In the next week or so, I should have brand...
I’m going to grow my list by 2000 names in 30 days (here’s how)
If you’ve been following the Roadmap to $50K, you know that I’m about to receive socks for people who love four new breeds of doggos.It’s about $70K at retail, which will go a long way to get me to my first $50K. If I can sell it.The first thing I need to do is find...
A tiny ad spend now that pays off later
In the next month I’ll be receiving more than 6000 pairs of socks. Now I need a plan to sell them. I have an amazing collab lined up with a major shop, and I feel confident that I’ll sell lots of our new dachshund inspired socks. More on that in the upcoming weeks....
How to do an Ads Manager Treasure Hunt
This month I’m working through Conversion Bootcamp with our Inner Circle Members. The goal is to get sales by turning more of our web visitors into customers. This past week, in Conversion Bootcamp, we did an Ads Manager Treasure Hunt. It’s a super simple exercise,...
Don’t let this happen to you
If you’ve been following my progress as I lurch towards $50K in my new store, you might remember that in June, I had my best month of sales. We sold more than $2K in June, with basically one product, a $37 box of socks for people who love wiener dogs. After what felt...
Your biggest opportunity this year. How to prepare for it today.
I read an article last week that says online shopping is up 110% since COVID hit in March. That got me thinking about what’s going to happen this holiday season and the opportunity for us as online store owners. And it’s huge. Because I’m willing to bet that there...
I’m collaborating to grow my sales. Here’s how I’m doing it.
This week, I’m taking you behind the scenes and sharing the details of my next collaboration at Sock Doggo. Here’s why that’s important for you: It doesn’t cost you anything upfront. The ROI is usually much better than any paid marketing you will ever do. AND every...
My strategy for building an audience of buyers and it won’t cost you a dime
You really can build an audience of buyers for free. And more than that, you can get genuine feedback on your products. Feedback from the people that matter.I want to share this with you because it’s not hard or expensive. The back story: We’re about to order socks...
What’s next? Next steps to $50K
I really want to reach $50K in sales by the end of this year. And I know that there are 2 things I need to do to reach that goal. One is exciting and lights me up. The other, well…. I’m afraid to do the other thing. Really afraid. But, here’s the deal. That one thing...
Our best sales month: 4 things that mattered
Sock Doggo just had our best month on record! It’s an exciting achievement and I can’t wait to share how we did it. I am going to walk you through the 4 things we did that contributed most to our sales. It’s important, because these are things that every one of you...
Here’s how I’m getting a sale every day.
Sock Doggo has officially completed the Traffic Stage. There are three stages we go through as we build our stores. Stage #1 is Traffic. When you’re in the Traffic Stage, your goal is to get 3000 web visitors to your store every month. 100 a day. At a 1% conversion...