6 steps you should take to get the results you want faster. Episode 184

6 steps you should take to get the results you want faster. Episode 184

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Why do some people make big progress fast while the rest of us take longer to find our path to success?

When Chontelle Fossey joined the Inner Circle, I kept my eye on her.

Chontelle owns The Lily Pot, a fast growing business in New Zealand where she sells and ships live house plants right from her home… that’s right, live!

Chontelle the perfect example of what’s possible when you focus on your goals, show up and actually ‘do the work’ to make them happen.

I first noticed Chontelle in our $15 Ads Made Easy week. Even though she worked in the opposite time zone, she was showing up and doing the work. I was intrigued, because she was getting good results from her ad tests even though she was selling live plants to a tiny audience.

When she joined the Inner Circle, I was watching.

In her first 5 months of being a member of the Inner Circle, Chontelle had a total transformation of her business and has even been able to pay herself  for 7 weeks in a row.

Chontelle’s generosity and passion for helping our other members to grow was infectious as she shared her progress in our Inner Circle Members group.

Not wanting others to struggle with the overwhelm, she regularly shares her wins and explains the methods behind how she achieves them. 

I was so impressed with Chontelle, I asked her to record a podcast with me so she could share the steps she took to reach her goals quickly. We recorded our episode a year ago. Since then, Chontelle has continued to make huge progress. She’s left her job to work full time on her business.
I know many of you are hoping to do the same. It’s possible for all of us.

You can listen to my episode with Chontelle here or read on to learn the 6 steps that brought her results faster.

“I’m quite a methodical person and that’s probably why I really connected with the inner Circle because everything was set out in short modules. I just worked through that, but I found it was through 6 clear steps that I took which made the biggest difference.”

Chontelle’s 3 steps to making big progress in your business:

1. Switch your email provider to Klaviyo and set up automations

Chontelle switched from a free version of Mailchimp to a paid Klaviyo plan to send her customer emails.
This can be scary for many business owners as they transition from a free plan to paid, but for Chontelle the choice was easy.
“I’m very much a person who likes to try it, analyze it, see if it works, and if it doesn’t, be done with it. My favorite quote is “if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
After making the switch, Chontelle began automating her business by setting up a welcome series flow and creating a popup for her website.
Right off the bat Chontelle saw an increase in sales from her welcome series and was able to create more “set and forget” automations that created more sales, and saved her time.
I’d seen pop ups and things on websites, but didn’t really understand the long game that they played and so understanding that and setting that up for my business really grew my email list.

2. Know how to get consistent traffic to your website

Did you know that for every 100 people that visit your website, only 1-2 people will actually buy? And that’s only if you’re attracting the right audience!
This was a huge light bulb moment for Chontelle.
“My traffic wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t matching the sales that I wanted.”
She knew that in order to increase her sales, she needed to spend her time doing the work to drive consistent traffic to her website.
Chontelle took control.
She immersed herself in our Traffic Bootcamp modules and implemented the strategies.
She watched and analyzed her traffic, making sure that every action she took was to drive more traffic to her website. She stayed focused and based her decisions on the her traffic number each week.

3. Invest in paid ads

Chontelle is a strong believer in the power of organic traffic, but she also knew that in order to grow and scale her business, she would need to implement a paid ads strategy.
And it all started with Ads made easy.
“When I first started that I naturally saw an increase in sales. But what I loved about it was actually understanding how to.”
Because Chontelle understood how to make the ads work for her, she spent the time analyzing the data, then tweaking and modifying her ads to further drive traffic to her website.
“It was about spending the least amount I possibly could to get the most traffic from my ads to my site. Because if you’re going to spend money, you may as well have something that works for you.”
When she was ready to learn more, Chontelle took a step further by booking a call with an ecommerce coach from our Inner Circle program who specializes in the Facebook ads platform.

Here’s what she learned:

  • Don’t reinvent the wheel.
    See what your competitors or big brands are doing with their ads by utilizing the Meta Ads Library. A resource that allows you to search all ads that are currently running across Meta platforms. Take inspiration that you can apply to your own ad copy or images.



  • Stop people from scrolling.
    Test images in your ads to see what stops people from scrolling and gets them to click through to your website. After you find the best scroll-stopping images, test copy that will grab their attention, and get them clicking.



  • Setup controlled tests.
    “Test a couple of different ads to see what really connects and what you can get your biggest bang for buck.”
    Learn how to set up, test your ads, and read the results, so that you can truly know which ad will perform best for your customer and get you the best value for money.

  • Track your key metrics… and not just your sales
    It’s common in our business to focus on one number and one number only… sales.
    Chontelle approaches things a little differently.
    Instead of dwelling on the number of sales on a low sales week, Chontelle makes sure she checks all of her key metrics to find the wins, and also identifies where she could “double down” and take action.
    “You have a strategy to go to these numbers and solve the problem. You have to look at it from a long term perspective and sales is only one measure. If your other steps are tracking in the right direction, the sales will eventually follow, and may be better by spending the time getting things right before those sales come.”
    Here are the key metrics Chontelle tracks every week:


    • Email signups
    • Email signup rate
    • Facebook followers
    • Website traffic
    • Average order value
    • Website conversion rate
  • Prioritize sending weekly emails
    Before joining the Inner Circle, Chontelle’s email marketing strategy was almost non-existent.
    She would send an email one week, then forget for the following two weeks.
    It wasn’t a priority.
    “Now I consistently send two to three a week and it is like a cash machine. I send an email and the sales follow”
    Chontelle also attributes her success to using a mix of two different types of emails:


    • Nurture Emails
      Nurture emails give back to your customer by providing them with value.
      If you continually send out “salesy” emails and your customer is not looking to buy at that time, they will stop opening your emails. This can hurt your email open rates and you might find your emails going straight into your customers’ spam folder.
      Chontelle send emails that link to her blog posts emails with plant care tips that provide value to her customers. For example: “It’s Winter, where do you now place your plants in your house?”
    • Sales Emails
      Each week Chontelle focuses on a specific product, collection or offer and follows this Reliable Revenue sending strategy.


      • Send one email to your full list.
      • The second email will be retargeting those who didn’t open. Focus on a different time of day to try to capture those who didn’t see it the first time.
      • The third email will be retargeting anyone who either opened or clicked on the first email but who didn’t buy. This is where the sales happen.

  • Show up live on Facebook
    In this busy world that we live in, it’s common for posts to go unseen and get lost in the feed.
    Chontelle decided that it wasn’t enough for her to just post photos of plants and memes. When analyzing her content, she realized that the photos that got the highest engagement were always the photos that she was in.
    She needed to show up and put a face to her business in order to connect with her customers.
    And so she began to go live on Facebook.
    “I did 2 lives last week and sold $700 in products from those lives and I literally sat there, did a live for 5 minutes, looked at my app to see how many people were going to my website and it was like a cash machine.”

    Chontelle’s tips for going live on Facebook:

    • Choose a set day and time each week to go live.
      By showing up consistently your audience is more likely to join.
      Use your analytics to find out when your audience is the most active and go live at that time. Chontelle found that 8pm on a Thursday worked best for her.
    • Show off your product.
      Customers love to see your products up close and personal. Often website images make it hard to see the size or color of a product, so lives can be a great way to give your audience a better look and more of a reason to buy.
    • Give them a reason to buy
      Share a sale or special offer with your live audience to create scarcity, urgency or exclusivity. Don’t forget to ask for the sale.

Chontelle came into 2022 with a fire in her belly and a desire to grow her business.

While working at her full time job, with limited time to spare, Chontelle was able to show up and focus on these few tasks that would truly move the needle in her business.

I hope that you can onboard some of these strategies in your own business to help you fast track your business growth.

To check out the amazing business Chontelle has created and for all your plant tips and tricks, be sure to follow The Lily Pot or visit https://thelilypot.co.nz/

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

Add This To Your “Must Do” List For 2025, Episode 245

Add This To Your “Must Do” List For 2025, Episode 245

No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. or scroll down to get the highlightsThe Messaging Strategy That Will Make Your Products Stand Out Let’s face it—most...

Do this now, and be confident that you are on the right track. Episode 182

Do this now, and be confident that you are on the right track. Episode 182

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As we head into the 4th quarter, you might be feeling underwhelmed by your results.

It’s normal. Progress comes in baby steps.

Sometimes we get stuck in our feelings as business owners. It’s easy to feel like we’re not doing enough- not enough sales, for too much time and money. You’re not alone – I have felt the same way. But as someone who’s successfully grown and sold 3 businesses, here’s what I know.

The answer is in your numbers.

Take a look- what’s really growing your sales? Do more of what’s working, and give yourself permission to let go of the things that aren’t moving you forward. This will make you feel better- and even in control!

It might help you to see how I was feeling, and what was happening at my project store Sock Doggo, as I was entering my first Q4.

Here’s a look back:
You might be surprised to hear that 60%+ of Sock Doggo’s sales come down to just 2 strategies.
Listen in as I share what’s working (and how you can find what’s working in your business!) – or read below.


What’s working – here are the actual numbers

Total sales: $12,600 of sales at Sock Doggo 

22% of sales came from a collaboration
These were wholesale sales working with American Doxie. This is a profitable relationship! This is a huge clue about what’s working in my business.

42% of sales came from email
My Klaviyo dashboard shows that email is working well to convert leads into buyers.

64% of sales came from those 2 activities
This is great news because I can clearly see what’s working.


Why does it matter?

The time spent to learn and maintain other “shiny objects” is a distraction. As ecommerce store owners, we only have finite time to build our businesses. Don’t burn yourself out chasing the latest trends. The fastest way to grow your business is to do more of what’s working. The data for Sock Doggo is clear. If I spend more time on wholesale collaborations or email marketing, that’s going to grow my sales. I don’t have to guess- which is a great feeling.


What else do I need to do to grow my sales at this stage?

Traffic – If you don’t know how to reliably drive 3000+ web visitors a month to your store, you won’t have consistent sales. If you aren’t there yet- that is the first step! If you aren’t sure how to get there, check out our Traffic Bootcamp course here

At Sock Doggo, we’ve got 3000+ web visitors a month, so our next step is conversion.


Why does conversion matter, and how do we improve our conversion rate?

Sock Doggo’s conversion rate is 0.78%. This rate is pretty low, but it’s common for new stores as you find your way to your perfect audience. 

How can I increase my conversion rate? The data tells us that, too. Returning visitors convert better (usually double or more), so we’ll focus on them. 

My next steps? Increasing our conversion rate. I’d like Sock Doggo to be at least 1% – so 1 out of every 100 visitors makes a purchase. The fastest way to reach my goal is to get more people back for repeat visits, so going forward, I’m going to commit to emailing my list every week. When I send more email, I’ll get more returning visitors, and my conversion rate should increase.


Key Takeaways

Here’s what I need to do next to get more sales in less time. I know if I focus on these 3 things, I’ll be moving forward in my business- and I’ll feel in control while doing it.

#1- Collaborations
Our wholesale collaboration was a huge success- profitable and over 20% of our revenue so far. I can take this success and reach out to more partners with confidence. Wanna know how we did it? Read more about our collaboration with American Doxie (and how you can set up something similar for your brand) here

#2Email Marketing
I know I could be more consistent with email, and if I am, it’ll pay off. Over 40% of my sales are from email. That means I’ve found the right people to send to my store. If I focus on growing my list larger and emailing them more, I know I’ll see more sales. What’s better is that traffic from email marketing is returning traffic. And, we know those customers convert at more than double the rate of new visitors. Which leads me to my 3rd takeaway…

#3- Increase the number of returning visitors
I know that I need to get more people back to my website a 2nd, 3rd, 4th time. Many new visitors aren’t ready to buy yet. By getting them on our email list, we’re more likely to get them to return. Returning visitors convert at more than double the rate of new visitors, so it’s worth focusing on them. This is the best way to increase our conversion rate. Need ideas? Learn more about how to get returning visitors here

Success comes from consistency – focus on the small steps now that will lead to big wins later!


Next steps for your ecommerce business

Every ecommerce store is different. The best way to learn what you should focus on in your ecommerce store is to find your data!

Here’s where I found my store’s data (and how to find yours)

Wholesale sales: This is from my Shopify dashboard. You can refer to your dashboard or Google Analytics

Email marketing sales: Klaviyo’s dashboard calculates this for me. With UTM parameters set up, you can also find this number in Google Analytics

Returning visitors and conversion rates: This metric is in Google Analytics’ New vs Returning Visitors report. 

You’ll want to make sure your Google Analytics account is set up for ecommerce.

Important Update: Google Analytics and GA4:
*As of July 2023, Google Analytics is being replaced with GA4.* 

If you’re still able to access Universal Google Analytics, refer to this guide for help understanding your data. Use this guide if you’re ready to focus on conversion.

If you’re not on GA4 yet, you need to be! This is how Google will track your metrics moving forward. We’re still learning about everything GA4 has to offer. Learn more about GA4 here on the podcast.

Inner Circle members, your GA4 training is here.

Inner Circle members get access to our Google ecommerce coach Leona. Leona keeps members updated on everything Google. Join the waitlist for the Inner Circle here, so you can get the latest information as soon as we have it: I want in!


More Resources:

On the podcast
How to collaborate- 7 ideas to get you started: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/how-to-use-collaborations-to-get-traffic-and-sales-episode-18/

How to get wholesale orders: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/3-things-im-doing-to-grow-wholesale-sales-episode-102/

How to get more leads: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/whats-working-in-2022-part-3-episode-105/

How to make a simple marketing plan: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/how-you-can-make-a-simple-marketing-plan/

12 email ideas to get you started with email marketing: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/twelve-email-ideas-you-can-implement-and-recycle-episode-12/

On the blog
Learn more about our event with American Doxie here: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/heres-what-our-partnered-event-cost-and-what-we-got-in-return/

Not sure how to get started with wholesale? Learn how here: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/want-to-have-your-products-made-offshore-dont-miss-this/

See another example of how to focus on what matters in your business: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/unsure-where-you-should-focus-figure-it-out-in-just-4-steps/

Learn more about collaboration: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/im-collaborating-to-grow-my-sales-heres-how-im-doing-it/

Get another collaboration example here: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/my-conversion-rate-is-up-92-heres-what-happened/

More influencer marketing ideas from Sock Doggo: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/how-im-using-influencer-marketing-for-sock-doggo/

Free resources on my website: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/resource-library/

Learn how to use your Google Analytics data: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/7-clicks-to-google-analytics

Google Analytics report for those ready to focus on conversion: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/secret-to-conversion-cheat-sheet/

Email marketing cheat sheet to get started now: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/email-marketing-cheat-sheet

Not sure what you should focus on next? Learn what stage you’re in and next steps here: https://thesocialsalesgirls.com/growth-plan-action-checklist

Need a little extra help? An ecommerce coach could be the best next step. We offer affordable ecommerce coaching in our Inner Circle community. Get on the waitlist for the Inner Circle here and get invited next time we’re open to take new members: Sign me up!

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

Add This To Your “Must Do” List For 2025, Episode 245

Add This To Your “Must Do” List For 2025, Episode 245

No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. or scroll down to get the highlightsThe Messaging Strategy That Will Make Your Products Stand Out Let’s face it—most...

Want more sales? You might be missing these 3 things. Episode 179

Want more sales? You might be missing these 3 things. Episode 179

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Want more sales? You might be missing these 3 things.

So you’ve built your products, labored over your branding and finally launched your website… but where are the SALES?!

There’s nothing more depressing. I know.

As e-commerce store owners, post-launch is often where we lose our excitement, our momentum and even worse; our confidence.

And that’s bad news…

Because the willingness to iterate and try new things is essential to growing a product based business.

So here’s a practical, no-nonsense way to get your confidence back.

We’re going to talk numbers.

If that makes you throw your hands in the air and yell “but I hate numbers!” Don’t worry.

Click here to listen, or read on….


Tracking these 3 Key Metrics will absolutely save your business, as well as your sanity.

They’re easy to find and all you have to do is track them weekly.

I promise you’ll feel a whole lot better about crafting a sales plan once you understand what you have to do before you can get reliable sales.
So stop tinkering with your brand colors, website buttons, or product designs.

None of that matters if you’re not getting enough Traffic to your site.

Yep, that’s the first metric.

But there’s 1 crucial question I need you to ask yourself before we go ahead: Do you have Proof Of Concept?

Have you sold your product in its current form to a real customer? As in… not your parents or BFFs, but actual strangers who just really love your stuff? Whether these sales took place online or in person, it doesn’t matter – they’re Real Sales. 👍

When someone who is NOT your mom buys your product… that’s proof of concept!

Don’t have proof of concept yet? Make this your number 1 goal before doing anything else.

Taking a preventative step now will save you a tonne of heartache later. So get your product on Amazon, Etsy, eBay, or Facebook marketplace. Or even set up a table at a local event. The objective is to get your products in front of eyeballs!

Alternatively, you can partner with a more established business. Just like I did with Mark Ruskin of American Doxie. He sells dachshund-inspired clothing to dog lovers. When I launched my project store, Sock Doggo, I didn’t have proof of concept. My shop was new and unknown.

I asked Mark to collaborate with me and offer a bundle of my new products to his customers. 😃 Our collaborative bundle sold well. Mark earned a healthy commission on the sales we made, I sold lots of socks, and walked away with the proof of concept I needed.

If you want to learn how to float your product in front of someone else’s audience, I break it all down for you here.


Already have proof of concept? Congratulations! Now it’s time to dive into your 3 Key Metrics

  • Traffic
  • Average Order Value (AOV)
  • Conversion Rate

Your metrics are here to guide you. There’s a lot of things you can do to tweak these 3 Key Metrics and get sales rolling in.

Track your Metrics  in a spreadsheet every week. You’re going to not only feel better about your business, you’ll also have a clear action plan.

What is it?
Traffic (also known as web visitors) is simply the amount of people coming to your website. If 500 people landed on your website last month, your Traffic was 500 for that month.

Why is it important?
Not enough Traffic means not enough eyeballs on your site to get sales.

So what do I need to do?
Your goal is to track your Traffic every week. And think of ways to get at least 3000 people coming to your store every month. This is the minimum amount of Traffic you need to start getting regular sales.

How do I grow my Traffic?
Run a giveaway on Facebook, email your subscribers, write a blog post, invite your followers to a Treasure Hunt… there are many ways to drive Traffic to your store – including paying for ads.
Need to learn how to use ads on Facebook and Instagram? Learn here with this step by step, easy to implement course, Traffic Bootcamp.

Here’s a reality check.
New ecommerce stores often have under 1000 web visitors (or Traffic) a month. Not enough to get regular sales. But don’t worry, now that you’re tracking, and aware of the magic number (3000 web visitors), you can actively drive traffic to your site.

Celebrate your Traffic wins!
Success is growing your traffic each week. This is the work every ecommerce brand does quietly behind the scenes before welcoming in a regular flurry of sales.

Conversion Rate
What is it?
Your Conversion Rate is the percentage of website visitors (Traffic) that actually buys from you. Say 100 people landed on your site last month and you got 1 order. That means your conversion rate was 1% last month.

Why is it important?
The average conversion rate for an ecommerce store is 1% – 2%. If you have 3000 good quality web visitors (Traffic) every month, you should get 1-2 sales a day. If your traffic is below 3000 a month, most store owners will be able to reach their sales goals.

What do I need to do?
Your goal is to track your conversion rate each week. And think of ways to increase it to 1%. This is all you need to get the (sales) ball rolling.

Reality check.
New stores often have a conversion rate of 0.5% or less. If this is you, don’t worry – that low number is normal. 

So how do I increase my Conversion Rate?
This is the hardest metric to tweak. Just track it weekly for now. You need to get 

your Traffic to 3000 visitors a month first, then you can focus on improving your Conversion Rate.

Once your Traffic is over 3000 a month find my Top 3 Tips For Improving Your Conversion Rate.

Celebrate your Conversion wins!
Success is growing your Conversion Rate to only 1% or 2%. You can do this!

Average Order Value
What is it?
Your Average Order Value (also known as AOV) helps you figure out how much money the average customer spends. Say three people bought from your store last month. One person spends $10, another spends $20, and the third person spends $30. The average of these 3 numbers is $20. So your Average Order Value was $20 last month.

Why is it important?
Say your Average Order Value is $40. And you get 500 orders each month. If you can increase your average order value to $42, you can increase your sales by $1000 each month without having to find any new customers!

What do I need to do?
Track your Average Order Value every week and think of ways to increase it.

How do I increase my Average Order Value?
Raise your prices by $1 and this alone will plump up your AOV. You could also offer bundles or introduce premium products with higher pricing.

Want more AOV ideas? Go here.

Celebrate your Average Order Value wins!
This metric is completely under your control and it’s the easiest one to change. Success looks like tweaking your pricing (and possibly product offering) – to slowly raise your AOV week by week.   


Now that we’ve plunged into cold, hard data… let’s get your mindset right.

Please don’t skip over this. Managing your emotions can determine whether you solve your business woes, or give up on your dreams completely.

So here’s how to prime your mind for tracking numbers like a pro…

Adopt a problem solver’s mindset.
You’ve already solved lots of problems during your lifetime. Getting sales is just another problem to solve. Focus on the process and work your way through the steps. Understand that everyone starts small. 

You’re quietly building a foundation for reliable sales. Be proud of this! 😃 

It’s not you, it’s your numbers.
Stop doubting your abilities or your business chops. Just track the metrics that matter – and you’ll eventually find out what’s really going on. Let the numbers be your guide.

Flip your thinking on what success looks like.
As ecommerce owners we think success means sales. We’ve been conditioned to believe we should start our store and instantly get lots of sales. When that doesn’t happen, we get depressed. Don’t fall into this trap.

Success IS tracking your metrics.

Success IS increasing your Traffic and AOV.

Because this is what always comes before you can start making reliable sales.
Building your foundation to sales is a success in itself. This realistic approach will keep your emotions in good standing as you track your numbers. 

So start your weekly spreadsheet now. Track your 3 Key Metrics every week and I promise you’ll start to see results.

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

Add This To Your “Must Do” List For 2025, Episode 245

Add This To Your “Must Do” List For 2025, Episode 245

No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. or scroll down to get the highlightsThe Messaging Strategy That Will Make Your Products Stand Out Let’s face it—most...

You should focus on this one thing for long term growth. Episode 178

You should focus on this one thing for long term growth. Episode 178

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As Ecommerce store owners, we have a lot in common. We share a lot of the same tools, and the tasks that fill our days are similar. Put a few Ecommerce store owners together and a room and they have a lot to share with each other.

Even though we share our experiences with each other whenever we can, there’s one thing we don’t do enough. We don’t share our audiences. Every one of us has invested time and money building up audiences of people who are interested in our products.

And yet, we don’t maximize the ROI on this valuable asset.

Most store owners do their marketing in a silo. Do that, and you’re leaving a lot of money on the table.

I truly believe that collaboration is one of the most profitable ways you can set yourself up for long term growth. The time you’ll spend on this is an investment in the future health and profitability of your business.

Wondering how you can make it work for you? I asked our Ecommerce Coach, Tina to share her results after she focused on collaboration for a full year.

Listen here, or read on to learn how she organized a whole year of collaborations, and what happened in her tiny business as a result.


e-commerce coach Tina Bar-On shares the strategy that gained her 1610 new leads

If you’ve listened to the podcast with any frequency, you’ve probably heard me talk about the book “The One Thing.” It has been so helpful in my years of business, and I know that it has helped many of our members stay focused so that they can grow their e-commerce stores.

After reading “The One Thing,” our e-commerce coach Tina Bar-On decided that her one thing for the year would be to grow her e-mail list. Like many of you, Tina has a full time job in addition to her online store, so she had neither the time nor the money to rely solely on a paid ads strategy to build her list. So she chose a non-traditional strategy–she committed to collaborating once a month with a different store owner.


Tina knows that using paid ads to gain leads can be a slog. It’s expensive, and the leads are often poor quality. Since Tina belongs to our huge Inner Circle community, she was aware of a few other shop owners whose customer base was similar to her own. And so she reached out to them to collaborate.

Tina sells fair trade home decor and gifts, and she knew that if she wanted a big, engaged list by the holiday season, she would need to start early. And so she slated ten collaborations throughout the year, all organized around events or special holidays, in one of three categories:

1. Blogger Partnership
Tina reached out to a blogger in her niche who had featured her store in the past. She asked if there was a way that they might work together further, and sure enough the blogger was planning to host a group giveaway for her readers that Tina was welcome to join. Tina’s only obligations were to contribute a gift card to be given away, a small participation fee, and to post about the event to her social media following. In exchange the blogger would hand over all email entries at the end of the giveaway.
This was a low lift for Tina. The blogger organized the entire thing, and Tina was exposed to a big audience she wouldn’t have otherwise.
It took some time to receive the e-mail addresses, and many of the leads had gone cold.

2. Partnered Giveaway*
Since Tina is an e-commerce coach in the Inner Circle, she was already familiar with several business owners in the group who had complementary products and  similar audiences to her own. In this type of giveaway, each store contributes an item or gift card to be given away, and each store promotes the event to their own email lists and social followings, in addition to sharing the cost of running a few ads to each store’s best cold audiences. At the end of the giveaway, the list is shared between both stores.
Very high quality leads. Since each participating store is promoting to their existing customers, the leads are pre-vetted and warm.
This method is time-consuming, and requires that both stores be willing to do the work to make it successful.

*Inner Circle members have access to a Partnered Giveaway training in the classroom

3. Gift Guide
As the holidays approached, Tina looped in 3 other stores with items she knew her customers would love, to participate in a Gift Guide. Each participating store uploaded a photo and description of their shop to a shared drive, and each store crafted an email to their own lists and social followings that introduced the other businesses, along with a discount code that could be used at any of the shops.
Like the partnered giveaway, this event exposed Tina’s shop to her collaborators’ best, warmest audiences (including their best customers).
The discount code brought in immediate sales
Leads weren’t directly shared between shops

When Tina first informed me this would be her focus for the year, I had no doubt she would be successful. And yet when I followed up, she was feeling discouraged. She wasn’t sure if the e-mail addresses she had gained were all that interested, or if it had been worth the effort. And so I asked her to go to her dashboard and pull the data into a doc for me.


There is often a disconnect between the stories we tell ourselves and the story the data tells, and sure enough–when Tina looked at the big picture, her results were nothing short of stunning. In just one year she had gained:

  • 1610 new leads
  • 34 new customers with a $3 Cost per Acquisition (!!!) and 42 new orders
  • $1600 in revenue (and counting)

And the best part is that Tina knows that these leads will continue to purchase over time, as she nurtures them further along her sales funnel. In addition, she knows she’ll be able to repeat these successful events with the same partners next year.

Tina says her biggest takeaway was that although this strategy involved a little extra work and a little bit of ad spend, she was gaining something incredibly valuable–her collaborators’ best customers. The high-value, repeat-purchase buyers that each of them had spent countless time and ad spend to find, were now her customers too. Tina made sales from every single one of her collaborations, and a whopping 23% of those new customers came back and made a repeat purchase.


As you can see, this strategy was extremely effective in achieving Tina’s Big Goal. And yet, I hear so many store owners in our community assert that partnerships aren’t right for them. Here are some of the most common objections, and why they’re unfounded:

  • Your niche is too narrow
    I hear this one all the time–that your niche is so small that you couldn’t possibly find a store to partner with. But here’s what most people don’t understand: your customers have more than one interest! Find a partner who sells a product that you know your customer would love, and chances are your audience will be very similar to theirs.
  • Your list is too small
    One of the things I love about this strategy is that it works well for e-commerce stores at all stages of business. Even if your mailing list or social media following is tiny, as long as you have proof of concept and a few sales under your belt, collaboration will work for you.
  • Your price point is too high/low
    Again, your customers are multi-faceted! Don’t count yourself out because your prices are much higher or lower than your partner’s–as long as the giveaway prize is attractive to both audiences, price point is irrelevant.

If your One Thing this year is growing your mailing list, Tina’s collaboration strategy should be high on your list of priorities. And remember–this is a long term strategy. Don’t try it once, glance at the data and assume it isn’t working for you. Even Tina felt discouraged until she reviewed the entire year’s numbers.

If you’re already an Inner Circle member, know that we are working hard on a Collaboration Hub that will allow you to easily find other stores with audiences that complement yours. In the meantime, post to the group that you’re looking for a partner. I guarantee your perfect match is out there.

You can buy “The One Thing” by Gary Keller here: https://the1thing.com/book/

More organic growth strategies:
The Best Strategy for Organic Growth

Think Out of the Box for Organic Growth

Massive Growth Organically? Yes You Can


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(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

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(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

Add This To Your “Must Do” List For 2025, Episode 245

Add This To Your “Must Do” List For 2025, Episode 245

No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. or scroll down to get the highlightsThe Messaging Strategy That Will Make Your Products Stand Out Let’s face it—most...

Abandoned Carts: 3 steps to make more money on autopilot Episode 172

Abandoned Carts: 3 steps to make more money on autopilot Episode 172

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Are you leaving money on the table?

Most store owners know that they should have an abandoned cart email. In fact, it’s so important that Shopify has made it easy by creating an automated email that gets sent out when someone doesn’t complete their purchase. Many store owners enable the automation through Shopify and leave it at that. Some might take it a step further, and create a branded, more personal abandoned cart email that’s sent from their email service provider.

These solutions are “okay”, but the truth is, you can do much better.

It might surprise you to know that a robust Abandoned Cart flow is one of the revenue generating email flows. It’s an opportunity for you to make more sales and be more profitable.

Last week I sat down with our Inner Circle ecommerce Coach and email marketing expert, Claudia Howard to get her best strategies for making more money using an abandoned cart flow.

Claudia works with hundreds of Inner Circle Members in Coaching calls. She’s also the lead Coach for our Reliable Revenue Coaching Group, so she’s able to see what’s working now, and where the opportunities are for store owners to sell more and make more money.

You can listen to Claudia’s strategies here on the podcast, or keep reading for a recap.


Tip #1 Start with the basics

When Claudia’s working with a member, she’ll by checking the framework of the flow to make sure the flow is set up properly.

  • Information is synced from Shopify to Klaviyo
  • Triggers and Filters are set up correctly
  • Shopify automated abandoned cart email is turned off

Her next step is to check that the email template is “user friendly”

  • Focused on a Call to Action that gets users to click back to their cart
  • Personalized email, using the customer’s name
  • Short, focused copy
  • Easy links to address objections ( size charts, return policy, shipping costs)
  • Easy payment terms if the store offers a “buy now pay later” option
  • Headshot of the store owner for a more authentic experience
  • Include a testimonial on each email

Use dynamic content to further personalize the template by using the visitors First Name, the product images from the cart, and a link back to their checkout page.

Don’t miss this important step:
Where needed, hide products from showing in the email – like Package Protection, Rush Order, etc.

Tip #2 Your Abandoned Cart Flow should have at least 2 – 3 emails

Don’t leave money behind!
Capture sales from your store’s visitors who start but don’t complete checkout.

Consider these scenarios where your visitors…

  • Were interrupted
  • Decided to switch devices to complete checkout
  • Waffled about the price, shipping, or delivery timeline

In these situations, an Abandoned Cart Series kicks in to:

  • Remind the customer to complete checkout
  • Handle objections
  • Sweeten the deal with a discount code for new customers

Try this send schedule:
Email #1 → send one hour after cart is abandoned ( no discount offered )
Email #2 → send one day after cart is abandoned
Email #3 → send 2 – 3 days after cart is abandoned


Tip #3 Be more profitable. Use a Split Condition for new vs repeat customers

It’s important to create different messaging for visitors that have never purchased vs acknowledging repeat customers.

This is a great opportunity to make more money automatically.

Remember, subscribers could go through this flow multiple times a season or year.

It’s a great idea to offer a discount to visitors that have never purchased. It gives them an incentive to buy, and you acquire a first time customer

It’s best practice to not offer a discount to returning customers, so they aren’t trained to abandon their cart.

Tip #4 Check your flow analytics today. You might be leaving money on the table.

Check your flow analytics using a 90 -180 day time period. Find the conversion rate of the last email in your abandoned cart flow. If the last email in your flow has a conversion rate of 1% or more, you can add ONE MORE email to this flow and feel confident that you will make more sales.


Tip #5 Avoid unsubscribes by adding this one very Important filter

I frequently see this filter missing on Abandoned Cart Flows

“Has not been in flow in the last XX Days”

Without this filter the abandoned cart flow could be triggered multiple times during the same session.
This is super annoying for customers not to mention causing spam complaints or unsubscribes.

Claudia recommends you set this filter at least 7 up to 14 days


Tip #6 The mistake you might be making

Turn off dynamic checkout buttons – these are conversion killers.

There’s a link created in abandoned carts that take people back to checkout. That cart link isn’t created when dynamic checkout buttons are used. Instead of going to the cart, your emails will contain a link to the homepage.

Learn more about this sneaky little conversion killer here

You can hire Claudia Howard to Supersize your abandoned cat flow here: https://www.storetasker.com/experts/claudia-howard

Inner Circle Members can book a Coaching call with Claudia to review your flow and get her expert advice on how you can make more money using email.

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(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

Add This To Your “Must Do” List For 2025, Episode 245

Add This To Your “Must Do” List For 2025, Episode 245

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One sneaky little mistake can be a conversion killer. Episode 171

One sneaky little mistake can be a conversion killer. Episode 171

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If you’re a store owner, using Shopify, this is for you.
Recently I was talking with our Inner Circle Ecommerce Coach and Email Marketing Expert, Claudia Howard who was sharing some abandoned cart strategies to make more money, and during our conversation she said something that stopped me in my tracks.

Claudia had just completed a demonstration for our Reliable Revenue Coaching Members. In the demonstration, she was working on a member’s Abandoned Cart flow. I had watched the demonstration, and we were recording a podcast episode to share some of the strategies with our audience.

Even though I had watched the demonstration, it wasn’t until we were recording the podcast that I realized the true impact of one small mistake in the settings of your Shopify store.

It’s totally a conversion killer, and many store owners don’t know about it.

Listen in or keep reading to hear about this sneaky little conversion killer, and then go check your shop’s settings.

The reason I’m sharing this here is that the store that Claudia was using to demonstrate the strategies had the setting turned on. And the thing is, this is not a new store. It’s an experienced store owner with solid sales.

This setting is so sneaky, that it’s possible that you might not know it’s enabled.

The mistake you might be making:

Turn off dynamic checkout buttons.

Here’s why Dynamic Checkouts are conversion killers:

  • They can have a negative impact on your conversion rate.
  • They take customers directly to checkout even if they haven’t completed shopping.
  • It’s difficult for customers to get back to shop, add items, or review their items.
  • Potential for even more abandoned carts.
  • No cart link is generated for your abandoned cart emails.


The biggest problem with Dynamic Checkout:

Abandoned cart emails create a Cart Link that takes the customer back to checkout.
When the dynamic checkout buttons are used, there is no cart link for the email, so instead the link goes to the homepage, leaving the customer without a cart to check out.

Why you might have missed this setting:

This setting is a “sneaky” little conversion killer for two reasons.
Despite the fact that dynamic checkout buttons are only recommended for “one Product” stores.

  1. This setting is automatically turned on, so you have to go into your theme and turn it off.
  2. The location of the setting is theme specific, so it might not be immediately visible


Your next steps:

  1. Find the dynamic checkout setting in your store, and make sure it is turned “off”.
  2. Listen to next week’s Podcast episode, and you’ll be all set to make more money!


Listen to this podcast with another “money making” tip from Claudia
Get it done for you by an Expert: https://www.storetasker.com/experts/claudia-howard

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

Add This To Your “Must Do” List For 2025, Episode 245

Add This To Your “Must Do” List For 2025, Episode 245

No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. or scroll down to get the highlightsThe Messaging Strategy That Will Make Your Products Stand Out Let’s face it—most...