The most valuable subject line you’ll ever use

The most valuable subject line you’ll ever use

Want to see the most valuable subject line you’ll ever use?

I’m going to tell you the subject line, but I want you to stay with me here, because you’ll want context.

When and how to use it, so you can make this part of your big picture strategy

So here’s the subject line: You have early Access NOW

That’s it. Simple, clear, and short.

This is an event strategy that’s perfect for Black Friday, but you can also use it throughout the year.

What you’ll do:
You’ll be creating a list of people who have self-identified that you have an offer that they’re interested in getting, and it’s important enough to them, that they’ll take action and get on your list.

Why it works so well
: You’ll use a hook to get them on the list. Hooks like Scarcity, Urgency, and Exclusivity. These hooks give people a reason to get on the list, because they know “what’s in it for them”.

When people make the decision to get on your list, they make a mental note that they want your offer and because they are on a list, and expect to receive emails from you, you can keep getting your offer in front of them enough times that they buy.

The beauty of it is that they have given you permission to make this offer. It’s a super warm audience.

Want more? Watch the video for step by step instructions so you can implement this now.

If you have questions, comment below and ask me!

So, here’s what I need you to do next.

First, sign up to get updates in your inbox:

Then, be sure to Like and Follow my page on Facebook. I’ll be posting regular updates there!

That’s it! It will be a fun adventure, all the way from 0 to $50K on Shopify!

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Do this One Thing and get sales in December

Do this One Thing and get sales in December

Last week we had a great little Planning Session in the Inner Circle.

After giving it our ALL for the craziness of Black Friday, Cyber Monday week, many of us are out of steam and out of ideas.

There are still weeks of selling to do before you close for the holidays.

And you need a strategy that will produce the very best sales without a ton of extra effort.

Our ,embers have spent the last few months building their audiences and building their lists.

And here’s what I know:

The biggest opportunity you have is this…


Focus all your efforts on bringing people back to your site, because they are the people most likely to buy.

Do this by:

→ shifting your ad budget to warm audiences
→ double down on your email marketing with one clear call to action

We created a simple plan for our members that they could use to get sales in December.

A plan that gets sales, even though you don’t have to spend much time and money.

Want to see it action?

Our Inner Circle member, Tania Bisaz joined us live on the Planning session, and within 24 hours, she had implemented the plan.

And the payoff? More than $600 in sales.

Interested in learning more about the Inner Circle? Click here.

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If you are struggling to find ideas for email marketing, take a look, and JUST START.

It is the most effective path to conversion.

I thought you all might like a peek at how we upped our email marketing game at Wee Squeak.

At Wee Squeak, between 40% and 50% of our revenue was attributed to our email program.

Our plan had always used a combination of email funnels, which brought us reliable sales every day, and events, where we used social media activities and email campaigns to give us the sales spikes that help us meet our goals.

This is our Reliable Revenue method, and we will be offering the program again later this year for those of you that want to set this up in your business.

But, I attended a Klaviyo (*Affiliate Link*) workshop in NYC a last year. It really helped me see that we could do even more to mine sales from our list.

So, for the next 60 days, I experimented and the results were impressive.

What I did:

I pulled small segments from our list and sent them emails.

For example, I pulled this audience:

People who have made a purchase from our “Shop Girls” Collection over all time.


These people have not purchased one particular sandal in the previous 120 Days.

Then we sent a super simple email about the sandal. No discounted offer, just the sandal.

I’ve added a screenshot of our results on Day One. We didn’t set the world on fire, but we got results.

And here’s the big deal:

I did this same thing 8 times in 8 consecutive weeks.

Total free traffic to our site: 2132 (clicks)
Total extra sales from 8 campaigns: $3755.

That’s an average of an extra $469 each week.

If we did it every week, we could potentially get an extra $24k in a year.

How could you start?

Maybe you could simply take a list of people who’ve purchased anything from you in the past year and send them an email about one product for 4 weeks in a row.

Make it super simple – I’ve posted an example of the email above.

I’d love to hear how you’re using email. Comment below.

If you’re eager to learn more, sign up for Traffic Fast Pass. You’ll get four actionable videos that will teach you how to get real results in only two weeks!

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So while it can be deflating to be ignored, it can actually be a good thing sometimes.

Watch and see why I know this, and how you can turn it to your advantage and make the best choices for your business.

Are you interested in getting weekly traffic and sales tips in your inbox?

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What if I told you that you already have everything you need to get some sales today?

Sometimes one little change is enough to keep your audience excited and ready to buy.

See how I did it in this week’s Monday Morning Traffic Report.

I had zero time for an event – so I made one little change and used what I had.

A few days later, we had more than 1000 free web visits, and more than $2k in extra sales!

Are you interested in getting weekly traffic and sales tips in your inbox?

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The one thing you can do to get sales today.

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What if I told you the one thing you should do in your business that will get you better results than almost any other task?

Even if you have no time.

Seriously, there’s one thing that will get you better results than almost any other thing. 🙂

How do I know this? I know because I neglected this one thing last week, and the result was an epic fail. So – you can bet I’ll be doubling down on this one thing this week, and I’m giving you 3 examples of how you can do it too.

While I don’t love to fail, this big one proves my point  – take a look. You’ll see what I mean.

Are you interested in getting weekly traffic and sales tips in your inbox?

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