The Path To A Full-Time Paycheck From Your Business, Episode 220

The Path To A Full-Time Paycheck From Your Business, Episode 220

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Turning Dreams into Dollars: Your Roadmap to Full-Time Freedom

If you dream of taking your online store from side hustle to full-time gig, this episode is for you.

When I heard that one of our Inner Circle members, Lindzee Barrera had reached the point where she could leave her full time job and turn her full attention to her business Birdie Girl Golf, I knew I had to ask her to share her story with you.

Lindzee caught my attention when she joined us about a year ago. Even though she had a busy job and a young family, I could see she had an organized, systematic approach to turning her side hustle into a Business that pays her well.

I sat down with Lindzee just as she was about to walk away form her corporate job for full time entrepreneurship, and I know that her story will inspire you. 

From Burnout to Birdie Girl Golf

Lindzee was a full-time digital marketer when she founded Birdie Girl in 2022. She had been feeling burned out, but wasn’t interested in moving to another corporate job (or the stress and ladder-climbing that come with it). Feeling stuck and seeking more, Lindzee resolved to channel her creative energy into building a future for her family rather than giving her all to her 9-to-5.

A lifelong golfer herself, she was well aware that golf’s popularity had surged among women during the pandemic. But golf products marketed specifically to women were few and far between. And so Birdie Girl Golf was launched with a single product: a ball marker necklace.

Lindzee quickly realized the market potential for plain ball markers—easy-to-produce items with high margins—and the business grew from there into a full line of women’s golf accessories.

While the marketing side of entrepreneurship came more naturally to Lindzee due to her background, transitioning from B2B digital marketing to B2C consumer ecommerce was new for her. She found that there weren’t many resources available that provided a clear framework for marketing directly to consumers.

When Lindzee joined the Inner Circle a little more than a year ago, her business was making about $10,000 to $15,000 a month in sales. She was thrilled by the positive response to her products, with daily sales and heartwarming stories from women gifting her products to friends and family. But she struggled to figure out what marketing strategies truly worked and where to focus her efforts. She had started running some ads and knew the importance of building an email list from day one, but she wasn’t consistent with her emails and was really just dabbling.

Mom, Marketer, Mogul: How Lindzee Got To $15K Months

Lindzee has two small kids and a husband who supports her goals, but she had to be laser-focused on time management to get it all done. She would wake up every morning at 5 a.m. and spend about an hour and a half on her priorities. Email was a non-negotiable task because it generated significant revenue and kept her connected with her audience. She also aimed to post on social media daily, doing the bare minimum due to time constraints.

In the first year, Lindzee packed orders herself. Once orders reached about 20 per day, she transitioned to a 3PL, following advice from a podcast to get her books in order and prepare for scaling. Customer service was also a top priority; she was committed to  addressing customer issues promptly, and to making things right.


But what got Lindzee to $15k in monthly sales was her focus on marketing activities right from the start. She prioritized tasks that brought the most impact – consistent email, and daily social media posting. Any extra time she had, she dedicated to Inner Circle trainings, learning and improving her business.


Lindzee was off to a strong start, but joined the Inner Circle because she needed to know what to do next to scale her business. With so many resources available in the classroom, and given her limited time, she had to decide what to focus on during the hours she could steal from her vacation for training.

Unlike other marketing courses she had taken, the Inner Circle “Big Picture” training simplified the sales funnel, so she could see clearly where to focus her time just by looking at her numbers. She took advantage of 1:1 calls with the Inner Circle coaches and experts to direct her energy towards only what would move the needle: scaling her ads, improving her email strategy, and improving customer retention. 


“What I really like [about working with Inner Circle coaches] is when people are honest with me. Because I feel like you’re just being nice about what I’m doing, but they’re like, you know what, you could be doing this better. And I really appreciate that.”


The Big Leap: Quitting the Corporate Job

Lindzee’s next (and biggest) move was to quit her corporate job. We’re talking about years of security, a reliable paycheck, vacation pay, and probably some health insurance. How did she know she was ready to make that leap?

Despite admittedly not giving her corporate job her all, Lindzee was promoted to a more demanding position. Around the same time, she attended a PGA show in Orlando, got accepted as an inventor, and her sales skyrocketed from wholesale. February was a record month, followed by even better sales in March and April. 

Lindzee had already started taking a paycheck from her business in February, which helped her focus on her business’s profitability. (This financial preparation ensured that her business could support her paycheck, even in the slow season.) And although she had been in her corporate role for 15 years, and they took good care of her,  she realized she was burnt out and ready for a change.

She says one practice that mentally prepared her for the leap was scheduling “white space” into her week. This is time and space without distractions—no kids asking for dinner, no business tasks—just existing and thinking. Taking a step back helps you see things more clearly and determine what’s truly important.

With the space to think deeply about what she could and could not let go of, Lindzee quickly saw that she was ready to spread her wings.

She also advises ensuring financial security first. If you’re financially stable, have steady growth rates, and your books are in order, you’re in a good position to consider leaving your job.

Knowing your numbers is crucial. Lindzee admits that understanding financials wasn’t second nature to her. She didn’t have her books in order before joining the Inner Circle. Listening to podcasts and following Ciara Stockeland helped her learn about paying herself and managing inventory, which gave her the confidence she needed to strike out on her own.

Building Bigger: Lindsay’s Future Plans

While Lindzee has been working hard to get her net profitability to a staggering 35% (and that’s after she pays herself!!!) her next goal is to improve that even more. She also aims to establish better processes to make things easier, especially for email and social media. Collaborations have been successful, so she wants to do more of those. Her focus is on refining what’s working and eliminating what’s not. Getting her house in order is her primary objective, along with completing her Reliable Revenue training, where she’ll implement an automated email marketing system that will generate sales in the background with very little effort on her part.

Lindsay’s Playbook for Success

Lindzee’s advice to others is to keep it simple. Follow the funnel, know your numbers, and things will start to come together. Identify your gaps and outsource when necessary. For example, although she handled Google ads at her corporate job, she hired coach Leona to run her Google ads for her business. Outsourcing high-touch, repetitive tasks frees up time for her to manage the business.

She also emphasizes that learning how things work initially is essential. Having a grasp of the various aspects of the business helps in managing it effectively. However, doing everything yourself can hinder your vision for the business because you’d be too busy with tasks.


The Inner Circle’s approach of teaching members to fish, rather than doing everything for them, is invaluable. It equips entrepreneurs with the knowledge to run their businesses successfully. Working with ad agencies and consultancy firms is more effective when you can question their methods and understand the processes involved. 


To learn more about Lindzee and her inspiring journey, visit Birdie Girl Golf’s website at Or connect with Lindzee on Instagram at @birdiegirlgolf, where she regularly posts updates and engages with her community.


Birdie Girl Golf’s website:
How To Create Profit Goals:
We’re Getting Consistent Revenue Now:
ToyCycle’s Sales Have Doubled Due To This One Monthly Marketing Task:
How To Grow To Multi Six Figures When You’re Strapped For Time:

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

How To Get Affordable, Quality Traffic, Episode 235

How To Get Affordable, Quality Traffic, Episode 235

No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. or scroll down to get the highlightsHow to Master Meta Ads and Drive High-Quality Traffic to Your Store If there’s...

Two Things You Must Remember, Episode 234

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This Will Get You Unstuck, Episode 233

This Will Get You Unstuck, Episode 233

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3 Things You Can Do To Be More Profitable Today, Episode 219

3 Things You Can Do To Be More Profitable Today, Episode 219

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Boost Your Bottom Line: 3 Clever Ecommerce Strategies to Supercharge Your Profits

We ecommerce sellers all jumped into business with one big goal: to make money. Right? But once the thrill of the first sale wears off, the reality is that selling online isn’t the same as selling face-to-face. It’s a whole different ball game that requires mastering new skills. And it’s easy to lose sight of why we started in the first place.

This month I’ve had some great conversations with our Inner Circle members about money. Specifically cashflow and profit. It’s clear to me that every single store owner needs to put some strategies in place that will make them more profitable.

So, I’ve put together this post to unpack three strategies aimed at boosting your bottom line. These are actionable tips you can start applying right away to see a real difference in your profits. 


I’m here to remind you that while it’s normal to face some unprofitable days, especially in the early stages, waiting too long to focus on profit can lead you into a crisis. 

You can avoid that by getting proactive about our profits now. Let’s dive into these strategies and make sure our businesses are not just surviving, but thriving.

First: 6 Questions Your Need To Ask Yourself

Here’s what you should be asking yourself before we get into the strategies::

1) Is the profit from my current sales covering my overhead? If not, when will it? For instance, if you double your sales, will that cover your overhead? It’s crucial to evaluate where you stand with this.

2) How much profit is left each month after covering overhead? Knowing what’s left after all expenses gives you a clear picture of your actual profitability.

3) Am I reinvesting the surplus profit back into the business, like into inventory? Even if you’re turning a profit, think about where that money is going. Is it going into growing your inventory, or is it just covering additional expenses?

4) Am I okay with how I’m using that profit? This is about aligning your financial decisions with your personal and business goals. It’s all about awareness and deciding if and when to change your reinvestment strategy.

5) When do I want to start paying myself? If you aren’t already, remember, there’s no perfect time to start. It’s tempting to wait until you hit a certain earning threshold, but goals can always shift. Consider starting small, perhaps with a modest percentage of your sales.

6) How can I keep my finances on track and boost my profit? I’ll give you a tip right now: schedule a monthly “date” with your finances. Review your profit and loss statement regularly. If you don’t have one, it’s time to get one set up.

Running a business can either be a fulfilling venture that supports the lifestyle you desire, or it can be a constant struggle with little to no financial reward. I’ve experienced both, and trust me, the first option is way more fun. So, if there’s anything I can urge you to do, it’s to take control of your profits sooner rather than later. Let’s make sure you’re not just working hard, but also making money that rewards your efforts.

Strategy 1: Optimize Your Pricing

It’s mission critical to nail your pricing. When done right, this strategy can turbocharge your profits without scaring away your customers. Here’s what you’ll do: take a look at your top 10 most frequently sold products and bump up their prices by just a dollar or two.

These are your most frequently sold items, not necessarily your biggest overall sellers. Because they sell often, even a small price increase can significantly boost your profit—more cash in your pocket, more often.

A quick word of caution:

When you start seeing that extra profit, it might be tempting to put it toward things that might feel right but will slowly drain your resources over time. Offering free shipping, for example, might sound easy and appealing, but it can be a real money sink if not managed carefully.

I got caught in a nasty cash flow crunch with my second business, Weesqueak. When I sat down to look at my numbers, I could see that I had spent $14k more on shipping than I had collected, due to a free shipping threshold I had implemented on my site. My intention had been to get people to buy more than one product, but in reality it was just shaving dollars off my bottom line little by little.

So don’t be afraid to crank up the prices a bit on your hottest items for more frequent profits that really impact your bottom line. And make sure you keep an eye on where that extra money goes. Keep it working for you, not against you.

Strategy 2: Add A “Front Of The Line Shipping” Option

Here’s a little trick that’s a win for you and your customers: introduce a “Front of the Line” shipping option. Create a rush shipping offer like within 24 hours, the next business day, or even within five business days. The timeframe doesn’t really matter as long as it’s clear and offers a perceivable advantage to your customers.

Once you’ve chosen the offer, add it as a shipping option that’s a few dollars higher than your standard shipping rate at checkout. There are always customers willing to pay a premium for faster service. 

What’s great about offering a premium shipping option like this is that it doesn’t involve any physical products or additional costs of goods sold. That means all that extra revenue from the upgraded shipping can flow straight to your bottom line. If you’re not offering this yet, you’re definitely leaving money on the table. So, figure out what quick shipping promise you can make, set it up, and watch as some customers choose to pay more for that speed and convenience. 

Strategy 3: Cash-Smart Inventory Spending

This last one isn’t so much a quick profit tactic as it is a smart, strategic move to keep your business on solid ground. This idea is inspired by the Profit First approach of accounting. What you need to do is set up a separate bank account specifically for your Cost of Goods. Here’s how it works:

Every week, after you tally up your sales, move the amount it cost to produce the products you sold into this new account. This is the money you’ll use to buy inventory. Doing this does a couple of brilliant things. First, it keeps this money out of your operating expenses, which means you won’t accidentally spend it on the next shiny object that catches your eye.

But more importantly it  helps you avoid overbuying inventory. When you see just how much cash you have in that account, you’re forced to make more mindful decisions. For example, say there’s a product you don’t sell often, and the supplier’s minimum order is way more than you need—you’ll think twice. Conversely, if there’s an item flying off the shelves that you’re constantly restocking, it’s clear where your money should go. This account makes your inventory decisions almost foolproof.

As your sales increase, the funds available for inventory will naturally increase too, preventing you from overspending or misallocating funds. It’s kind of genius, right?

Now, if you’re not sure what your cost of goods sold (COGS) is, check your profit and loss statement (P&L). But if you need to calculate it yourself, here’s the formula:

For a given period, here’s the formula for COGS

Beginning Inventory + Purchases
Ending Inventory
Cost of Goods Sold

This is crucial because eventually, you might want someone else to take over production, and if your pricing doesn’t account for labor costs, that transition could hit your wallet hard. Best case scenario? You start paying yourself now. That’s the dream, right?

Remember, the money in your Cost of Goods account is only for inventory purchases. This setup is a game-changer for making savvy decisions that keep your business healthy and thriving.

And there you have it—three solid gold strategies to ramp up your profits and keep your business thriving. Whether it’s tweaking your pricing, adding a speedy shipping option, or managing your inventory funds like a pro, each of these steps is designed to boost your bottom line and make your business operations smoother. Remember, it’s all about being intentional with your resources and making decisions that align with your long-term goals. So go ahead, implement these changes, and watch your ecommerce store go from surviving to flourishing.


Block some time this week to listen to this episode, and fine tune your pricing strategy:

A Profit First Expert Shares How To Manage Inventory

A Profit First Expert shares how to manage inventory. Episode 82 – The Social Sales Girls

Do This Now And Be More Profitable

Do This Now And Be More Profitable. Episode 204 – The Social Sales Girls

A Lesson On Fixing Your Cash Flow

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

How To Get Affordable, Quality Traffic, Episode 235

How To Get Affordable, Quality Traffic, Episode 235

No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. or scroll down to get the highlightsHow to Master Meta Ads and Drive High-Quality Traffic to Your Store If there’s...

Two Things You Must Remember, Episode 234

No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. or scroll down to get the highlightsTwo Crucial Things You Need to Know About Growing Your Sales Today, I want to...

This Will Get You Unstuck, Episode 233

This Will Get You Unstuck, Episode 233

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SEO for Ecommerce Store Owners Only, Episode 218

SEO for Ecommerce Store Owners Only, Episode 218

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Ready to get more organic traffic?

Get on the waitlist for our new Course, SEO for Ecommerce. In the Course, you’ll learn how to build a powerful SEO Funnel that will consistently grow your organic traffic and sales.

This brand new course is exclusively for Ecommerce store owners, and comes with 3 months of Expert support. Enrollment is limited, so get on the list, and we’ll make sure you are notified when it’s available.

Have you heard of an SEO Funnel?

Most of us understand the sales funnel where we’ve got our cold, warm, and hot audiences filtering down the funnel to the purchase goal.

You can apply that same method of thinking to SEO.

An SEO Funnel will bring consistent, high quality traffic to your site, and it doesn’t cost a dime.

Investing time into SEO can be beneficial for any ecommerce business, and you can use a content-based funnel strategy to grow traffic and sales without advertising.

What is a SEO Funnel?

It’s an SEO focused content strategy designed to warm up your audiences and bring them down a funnel, until they make a purchase. Your SEO Funnel has 3 audiences.
Top of funnel audience, middle of funnel audience, and bottom of funnel audience.

Specific SEO focused content is created to attract a top of funnel, middle of funnel, and bottom of funnel audience.

What kinds of Ecommerce stores should use an SEO Funnel?

Every product based Ecommerce business can benefit from this strategy.

Why is this Important to me now?

The SEO Funnel is a slow growing evergreen strategy. You can track and measure your results, so you can see that it’s working and your time is well spent.

You can implement it by creating content consistently over time. This isn’t a paid strategy. Your investment is in time, not money.

Traffic that comes to your store from an organic search will often have higher than average conversion rates.

How to get started:


Start by optimizing your Collection and Product pages.

We recommend you do some keyword research, to determine the best keyword phrases to use for each of those pages.
Find the best keyword phrases by using a tool like Ubersuggest.

It’s a cost-effective way to do keyword research quickly.

You can also use a free tool like the Google Ads keyword planner.

Look for phrases that actually get searched by real people, so you can be confident that the keywords you are using are actually getting some traffic.

Look for keyword phrases that have 1,000 – 10,000 searches a month for products.

Once you’ve done that, make a plan to optimize your homepage, your collections, and your product pages. At a minimum, include your chosen keyword phrase in your title description and image alt text at a minimum.

TOP OF FUNNEL: Audience is in the awareness stage. They may not even know that they need your product. They’re asking general questions and considering multiple options. Create broad content that answers questions like What is X? are perfect at this stage.

MIDDLE OF FUNNEL: Audience knows they need your product and are still deciding on which option is best. They may be looking at your products and competitor’s products. Content that is more product specific helps them decide which product will best fill their need. Product comparisons or reviews are two examples of content to create for this stage.

BOTTOM OF FUNNEL: This audience has already made the decision to purchase, and they are considering a purchase from you. Your job is to assure them that they are making the right decision by buying from you. Content like lots of reviews, “how to” guides, and in depth product descriptions with specifications can help them make the decision to purchase.

Key points to remember: 

1) All store owners should work on an SEO strategy, even if they use paid ads. This content will help buyers feel confident in purchasing from you.

2) SEO is a long term strategy. While sometimes we see quick wins in ranking and traffic, the reality is that bigger wins take months (and sometimes) years to attain.

3) If you use Google ads, working on your SEO will directly and indirectly help those ads. Google P-Max normally uses SEO product titles & descriptions, and optimizing your listings will help you be found more often.

Your next steps:

1) Perform a content audit of your site using the SEO Funnel as a guide.

2) Find the gaps and make a plan to start, or improve, your own funnel.

Get the Simple SEO for Store Owners Guide HERE

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

How To Get Affordable, Quality Traffic, Episode 235

How To Get Affordable, Quality Traffic, Episode 235

No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. or scroll down to get the highlightsHow to Master Meta Ads and Drive High-Quality Traffic to Your Store If there’s...

Two Things You Must Remember, Episode 234

No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. or scroll down to get the highlightsTwo Crucial Things You Need to Know About Growing Your Sales Today, I want to...

This Will Get You Unstuck, Episode 233

This Will Get You Unstuck, Episode 233

No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. No time to listen now? We'll send it to your inbox. or scroll down to get the highlightsFeeling Stuck? Here’s What’s Really Holding You Back A few weeks ago, I was...

Wendy’s Process for Doubling Her Sales Last Year, Episode 217

Wendy’s Process for Doubling Her Sales Last Year, Episode 217

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How Consistency and Focus Transformed Wendy’s Online Business

A few weeks ago I was in the Inner Circle group and I saw a comment on a post. The “poster” was asking for some encouragement that it was possible to reach her sales goals. One of the comments stopped me in my tracks. When I read Wendy’s comment about how she doubled her sales last year – and she broke it down into steps – I knew I had to share it with you!

I’m so thrilled to finally chat with Wendy Aughe, founder of Log Cabin Vintage, face to face. Log Cabin Vintage is an online children’s bookshop with a mission to reconnect people with the books they loved as kids, and she’s passionate about helping people find and share those beloved books with their own children and grandchildren.

Wendy’s journey hasn’t been a straight line; initially, she sold vintage home decor. And while it may seem counterintuitive, she had much bigger success niching down to just children’s books than when she sold to a broader audience.

Wendy’s Big Pivot

In 2014, Wendy started selling vintage home decor on Instagram, gradually expanding her business to Etsy, local markets, and antique stores. After growing frustrated with Etsy, Wendy decided to take control by launching her own website. For about a year, she continued selling vintage home decor on her site. But the constant struggle of packaging and shipping large items made her rethink her business model. Aafter spending an hour building a box one afternoon, her husband suggested something that seemed impossible at the time– ditch the big items altogether and focus on books exclusively.

An avid reader all her life, Wendy had  always enjoyed finding children’s books the most, so after some consideration she took her husband’s advice and decided to specialize in vintage children’s books.

This niche focus turned out to be a smart move. Wendy noticed that there were very few booksellers solely dedicated to children’s books online. While many booksellers carried children’s books, hardly any specialized in them.


By narrowing her focus, Wendy carved out a unique space in the market, leading to greater success and satisfaction in her business.


A Methodical Approach to Success

Wendy’s superpower is that she is incredibly consistent and focused. She picks a goal and sticks to it, and this methodical, step-by-step approach has unlocked success for her new venture.

When she first started her business, Wendy had no idea how to run a Shopify store or manage emails. Coming from Etsy, where everything is done-for-you and sellers have little control over their own brands, she faced a steep learning curve when launching her own website. There was so much to learn.

To avoid overwhelm, Wendy broke everything down step by step. She admits there were times she felt frustrated and tempted by “shiny objects”— distractions that make you want to jump ship and try something new. But she always stayed focused on her goals, understanding that success doesn’t come from the first attempt (and sometimes not even from the second or third.) Wendy believes in doing things repeatedly until she gets it right.

She rebuilt her website not once, but twice—first for vintage home decor and then again when she shifted to selling books. This repeated effort gave her plenty of practice rebuilding and adapting her business. 

Wendy’s Secret Weapon: 1:1 Coaching



Wendy’s other secret weapon is getting help when she needs it. Many of our Inner Circle members hesitate to book coaching calls because they don’t know what to talk about or ask. But Wendy started booking calls early on, initially with Claudia (our email marketing coach). Wendy didn’t have time to learn everything at once, so rather than wasting time figuring out her email  service provider, she focused on listing products and getting them up for sale while Claudia worked on her email templates.

With Claudia’s help, Wendy got two master email templates designed with her branding. And Claudia didn’t just create the templates; she also showed Wendy how to use them, even filming the training sessions as part of their coaching calls.

How Regular Coaching Sessions Keep Wendy on the Fast Track to Success 

As Wendy narrowed her focus to vintage children’s books, she realized she needed regular guidance to stay on track. Enter Coach Tina, who meets with Wendy every two weeks, assigns tasks, and reviews her ads to ensure they’re running effectively. Tina helps Wendy by creating a game plan, telling her which Inner Circle trainings to prioritize and which steps to take next.

Wendy doesn’t have to prepare extensively for these calls. She simply outlines her goals and asks for help in creating a plan to achieve them. This approach helps manage her expectations and provides clear direction for where to focus her time and efforts.

From 25 to 200 Web Visitors a Day: How Wendy 10x’d Her Traffic

When Wendy first started, she was getting only about 25 web visitors a day. It was a real struggle—hardly anyone knew about her shop or what her business was about. With such low traffic, making sales was nearly impossible.

Despite having been an Inner Circle member for a while, Wendy had avoided Facebook ads for a long time.


But after completing our Big Picture Training and reviewing her numbers for the past month to identify gaps in her sales funnel, she had an aha moment. She needed a bigger audience if she had any hope of meeting her sales goals.


This is where tools like a brand video become essential for audience building – the video reaches a large audience, and then a second retargeting ad drives traffic to your site, which can significantly boost your numbers. Using these strategies, Wendy almost 10xed her traffic (and doubled her sales).

On track to double her sales again this year, Wendy finds it exciting to compare year-over-year progress. Even if day-to-day numbers feel stagnant, looking at sales data from the same month last year shows just how far she’s come. For example, by the 17th of the current month, she had already tripled her sales compared to last April.

And the butter to her paid marketing bread? Email.

Alongside her paid ads, Wendy is diligently building her email list and sending them campaigns weekly. She’s also in the process of creating automated flows that will keep her subscribers looped in with very little effort on her part.

Even though she’s got a lot to stay on top of, Wendy is the first to say that the weekly effort is paying off.


Wendy tries to limit product-listing to one or two hours a day to avoid getting distracted from other essential tasks. She emphasizes that marketing should always come first, not last. This disciplined approach helps her maintain steady growth and achieve her business goals.




The Biggest Win Of All: Wendy Is Paying Herself Now

Rather than waiting to hit specific sales goals or order numbers each month, Wendy has started paying herself a percentage of her gross profit each month. Whereas before, she would only take money out of her business sporadically, usually for personal expenses like her daughter’s summer camp or braces. Now, she sets aside 25% of her gross sales every month into a money market account. She’s saving up for a big dream, but after a chat with her mentor, Tina, she realized that if she didn’t start saving now, her dream would never become a reality.

Using a percentage to determine her pay took the pressure off hitting specific financial targets and made the habit of paying herself much easier. She recommends starting small, even with just 10%, and adjust as you feel more comfortable.

Wendy also continues to invest in her business growth through things like personal development and keeping her membership in the Inner Circle active. Nurturing her business’s growth while still enjoying the rewards of her hard work helps keep Wendy motivated and ensures both she and her business are financially healthy.

Advice Wendy Would Give to Her 2021 Self

Wendy says that if she could go back and chat with her 2021 self, she’d tell her to pivot sooner. Back then, she was worried about losing her audience if she switched from vintage decor to books. But after making the switch, she realized that while some followers did drift away, many who loved vintage decor also loved using books to decorate their spaces.

She also began to discover her true audience—people passionate about collecting books or those seeking to reconnect with beloved books from their childhood. These are the folks who had cherished memories tied to these books, perhaps ones they lost or that were damaged over time.

Wendy would also be less afraid to seek help. She now believes in the power of coaching calls for gaining insights and support, which at first she hesitated to take advantage of. Getting consistent advice from experienced coaches has made a huge difference, fast-tracking her progress and helping her stay accountable.

What’s Next For Wendy

Wendy recently launched her YouTube channel and plans to create more content throughout the year. She’s excited to continue growing her sales and expand her business’s reach to the homeschooling community looking to add depth to their curriculum with classic literature.

Wendy is eager to dive into this niche, although she acknowledges she has a bit to learn about the community and their needs. Most importantly, Wendy is careful not to rush into it. She’s focused on making sure her business’s current operations are smooth and effective before branching out.


Wendy believes in ensuring everything is running well before taking on new challenges.


Consistency Is Your Compass

Wendy’s journey is a powerful reminder of the importance of consistency and the value of steady, incremental progress. Each step she has taken, whether pivoting her business model, expanding into new markets, or diving into social media ads, reflects her commitment to moving forward thoughtfully and deliberately. Wendy’s willingness to seek guidance through coaching and to adapt her strategies based on what she learns has significantly contributed to her growth.

By putting one foot in front of the other and knowing when to seek help, Wendy continues to build a sustainable and flourishing business. Her story is a lesson to all online store owners to embrace consistency as their compass and to recognize that sometimes, slow and steady really does win the race.



Log Cabin Vintage

How Many “Eyeballs” See Your Product?

Here’s How To Find Your Future Buyers

What Happens When You Put Marketing First

Build A Massive Audience With A Brand Video

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(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

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(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

How To Get Affordable, Quality Traffic, Episode 235

How To Get Affordable, Quality Traffic, Episode 235

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Two Things You Must Remember, Episode 234

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This Will Get You Unstuck, Episode 233

This Will Get You Unstuck, Episode 233

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Pinterest: Here’s What eCommerce Sellers Need To Know, Episode 216

Pinterest: Here’s What eCommerce Sellers Need To Know, Episode 216

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Today we are (finally) diving into the world of Pinterest, where pins lead to profits. And nobody knows this better than Kate Ahl, the mastermind behind Simple Pin Media and host of the Simple Pin Podcast. I’m so excited to have Kate here today because, let’s face it, Pinterest has been a big mystery to many of us. But we’re in good hands, because there is no better expert on this topic than Kate.

Back in 2010, Kate was just like many of us—navigating the wilds of the internet with more enthusiasm than experience. With little kids at home and a need for some extra cash, she started helping a friend with Facebook and her website, diving headfirst into the digital arena. The world of social media and affiliate marketing grabbed her, and she was hooked by the vibrant online community and its endless possibilities.

Kate launched Simple Pin Media in 2014 with just three basic service packages aimed at content creators. It was supposed to be a three-month trial, but the results were undeniable. Clients reported transformative impacts on their businesses, leading Kate to the realization that she might just have a viable business on her hands.

Since then, Kate has dedicated herself to demystifying Pinterest marketing, making it accessible and not so overwhelming. She’s here to tell us that with a solid plan, anyone can conquer Pinterest (and maybe even enjoy it).

Exploring the Potential of Pinterest

Kate says that first and foremost, using Pinterest effectively is all about making sure people are aware that your product exists. It’s not just about throwing up a photo of your product and hoping for the best. You want to really engage your audience, help them understand what you’re selling, and educate them about it.

For instance, e-commerce owners who showcase their products effectively tend to be more successful. Say you’re selling jeans; showing different ways to wear them or comparing various styles can make a big difference. This approach doesn’t just build awareness; it educates your potential customers too. Simply posting lots of product photos without context tends to be ineffective because customers don’t understand why they should buy your product.

Take, for example, a handmade tile seller she works with. She knows that buying handmade tiles involves careful consideration and measurement, so her strategy on Pinterest focuses on inspiring and informing her audience, rather than pushing them to make a quick purchase. She aims to get her product samples into potential customers’ hands and raise awareness about current design trends. Her approach helps position her brand as a viable alternative to big-box stores like Home Depot or Lowe’s, making her a go-to choice for those in search of handmade tiles.

Ultimately, success on Pinterest comes from using strategies similar to what might be done on Google to educate and engage, rather than just listing products for sale. This is how you turn casual browsers into informed, interested buyers.

Key Elements Of An Effective Pinterest Strategy

When diving into Pinterest, remember there are three main elements you should focus on to make your pins pop:

Images: This is key because on Pinterest, the image is pretty much everything. You’ll want to nail both product shots and lifestyle images that showcase your products in a real-life context.

Keywords: Spend some time researching what people are actually searching for on Pinterest, which can be different from other platforms. For example, the terms “vegan” vs. “plant-based” might attract different audiences. It’s crucial to use the right keywords in your pin descriptions to tap into the correct search queries.

Pinning Strategy: Once you’ve got your pin with its perfect image and keyword-rich description, start pinning it across your boards. You don’t have to worry about overposting the same pin too frequently, because unlike Instagram, Pinterest isn’t about scrolling through someone’s profile. You can pin the same content to different boards at different times, even revisiting it months later. This approach works because Pinterest’s algorithm isn’t time-sensitive, and frankly, most Pinterest users won’t notice if you’ve pinned the same thing multiple times.

How to have a big impact on Pinterest in Just 2 Hours Per Week

Many of our students are hesitant to add another marketing channel because Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok already take up so much of their time and energy. But Kate says there are a few key areas that you should be dedicating your energy to, and they don’t need to take more than 2 hours a week.

Before you dive into pinning repeatedly, it’s crucial to set up your Pinterest profile correctly, mainly to make it algorithm-friendly. Start by setting up your boards—they’re like buckets for the algorithm to sort your content.

For example, if you’re selling jeans designed for pear-shaped body types, name your board accordingly and craft a clear description. This helps Pinterest understand exactly what type of content you’ll be pinning there, like it’s all about jeans for pear-shaped bodies.

Once your boards are ready, the next big task is creating compelling images, which are like billboard ads on Pinterest. Remember, people mainly look at images, not read through lots of text. For fashion items, less text usually works better, so focus on visuals that highlight the features of your jeans, like the fit or style details.

When you upload these images, either directly or using a scheduling tool like Tailwind or Planoly, you’ll want to ensure your keywords match the content of your board. This alignment helps Pinterest show your pins to users who are searching for those specific terms, enhancing the relevance and reach of your content.

Setting up a routine of creating great images and using the right keywords is essential. A scheduling tool can help spread out your pins over time, which reduces your workload. No need to constantly comment or follow others—the platform does much of the heavy lifting.

It typically takes about six months to see significant results on Pinterest. If you’re only a couple of months in and not seeing much activity, don’t get discouraged. It’s all about consistency. Keep feeding the algorithm with good content. Your pins from day one will eventually start getting attention, and before you know it, you’ll see a snowball effect: more engagement, more traffic to your store, and an increased interest in your products.

So, hang in there, keep pinning, and watch how your two-hour weekly investment gradually builds a robust presence on Pinterest.

Pinterest SEO: How To Find The Best Keywords

It’s important to remember that Pinterest is a visual search engine. Users are primarily looking for content that benefits them in some way, unlike Instagram where your followers are keen to see behind the scenes content, or personal posts from the business owner. If you’re good at SEO, you’re likely to excel on Pinterest too, although the approach to keyword research might vary a bit. Here’s how it works:

When you do SEO, you’re typically looking for keywords that Google favors. Well, you can start by plugging those same keywords into Pinterest. But in reality, Pinterest itself is the best tool for figuring out what works specifically on their platform.

When you enter your keywords on Pinterest, pay attention to the search predictions that pop up. These suggestions are gold because they show exactly what users on Pinterest are looking for. Sometimes, these keywords might differ from what you’d use for Google. So, even if a keyword works well on Google, you might find a more effective variation or a completely different popular keyword on Pinterest.

Essentially, Pinterest not only helps refine your keyword strategy but also tailors it to capture the most relevant Pinterest audience. So, stick with the keywords that resonate with the Pinterest crowd, even if they’re a bit different from your usual SEO terms. 

Pinterest Marketing Metrics: What To Look For

How can you tell if your Pinterest strategy is actually working? There are three key metrics you should keep an eye on: impressions, saves, and clicks. Let’s break these down a bit:

  1. Impressions: This tells you how often your pin is shown. For example, if someone is scrolling on their phone, Pinterest might show two rows of pins. Your pin might be on the left, but if they’re looking at the right, they might not see it. However, having a high number of impressions means your pin is getting out there to a broader audience.
  2. Saves: This is a big one because when someone saves your pin, it shows they’re interested. Pinterest users typically browse through and save a bunch of pins they like. Later, they revisit their saved pins when they’re ready to engage further or make a decision.
  3. Clicks: This is what you ultimately want — people clicking on your pins to take a closer look or go to your website.

While Pinterest offers up to nine different metrics, focusing on these three will give you a solid indication of how well your content is performing. You can literally compete against yourself by tracking how your pins perform in terms of impressions, saves, and clicks over time. Adjust and test different strategies to see what makes your pins more save-worthy and click-worthy. Remember, it’s not always about creating brand-new content. Sometimes, tweaking what you already have can lead to better results.

What You Need To Know About Pinterest Ads

For store owners accustomed to getting quick results with Meta and Google ads, Pinterest ads can feel a bit slow to kick in because they need about two weeks just to run without any interference. This pause lets Pinterest figure out the best way to distribute them. You’ll spend another two weeks just collecting data to see what’s working, totaling a month of prep and observation. This can be a shift for those used to the quicker pace of Facebook ads, and the different dashboard and reporting style on Pinterest might also take some getting used to.

If you’re new to Pinterest ads, Kate suggests dedicating at least a month to learn the ropes, maybe through a membership program that guides you through the process. After about two months of learning and preparing, you should start to see your ads perform well.

And here’s a fun tip: try experimenting with low-cost Promoted Pins, like a dollar a day, to see how they perform without much risk. This can be a great way to learn what resonates with your audience without the pressure. You might find that even these small investments can give you decent visibility, which is always a win. Plus, playing around with promoted pins and different types of Pinterest ads can help demystify the process and make it more enjoyable.

Pinterest Is NOT Social Media

Pinterest, like Google and YouTube, is used by people who are actively trying to solve a problem. They might visit your site, decide it’s not what they’re looking for, and keep searching until they find the right solution. The key is to make sure your site can meet their needs when they land there, making you the solution they’ve been searching for.

To capture their interest, you need to quickly convince them they’re in the right place—for example, confirming they’ve found the right plant-based skincare product they were looking for.

A common mistake is directing these users to a homepage when they’re expecting a specific product page. This mismatch can frustrate users because they don’t want to search again—they want immediate solutions. Pinterest users often take longer to make a decision because they’re looking for the perfect answer to their needs.

Want To Work With Kate?

Kate’s agency Simple Pin Media offers a few different ways for people to work with them, depending on their needs and how hands-on they want to be.

First off, they handle both organic and paid Pinterest ads directly for clients who prefer to take a hands-off approach. For those who want to be more involved, they offer a “done with you” service which includes membership options. This is great for people who want to learn how to manage their own Pinterest ads but with some guidance from Kate’s team. It’s a pretty affordable membership that lets you get your hands dirty without going it alone.

They also have a DIY option through their Shopify store. Since Pinterest is friendly towards digital products, they’re set up to sell things like e-commerce templates for Canva and other resources directly through Shopify. This setup is perfect for folks who want to integrate what they sell with their Pinterest activities.

For those already running ads but looking to optimize, she offers specific resources like Pinterest ads templates that you can grab and use right away.

So, whether you’re looking to fully outsource your Pinterest marketing, get some guidance while doing it yourself, or just grab some tools to make your life easier, Simple Pin has a solution for you.


Check out on Pinterest for a great example of how a successful eComm store uses Pinterest

See the Simple Pin Shopify Store:

Learn more about Pinterest services and training:

Listen to The Simple Pin Podcast:

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Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

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(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

How To Get Affordable, Quality Traffic, Episode 235

How To Get Affordable, Quality Traffic, Episode 235

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Two Things You Must Remember, Episode 234

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This Will Get You Unstuck, Episode 233

This Will Get You Unstuck, Episode 233

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The Formula For An Easy Collaboration You Can Do This Month, Episode 215

The Formula For An Easy Collaboration You Can Do This Month, Episode 215

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Joining Forces: The Magic of Brand Collaboration

If you’ve been around The Social Sales Girls long, you know that we’re all about traffic. Driving new eyeballs to our websites and converting them to customers. In the Inner Circle our students learn all about how to identify their ideal audience and how to leverage social media, SEO strategies, and paid ads to bring those people in.

But what if I told you there’s a SHORTCUT?

A way to reach your perfect audience, without spending a dime? We call it “collaboration” and our Member Success Coach Tina Bar-On is our resident expert on this strategy that will introduce your brand to folks who might never have stumbled upon it otherwise, boost your site traffic and, grow your email list with engaged, potential customers.

Back in episode 120 Tina told us about her year of monthly collaborations. Initially, she wasn’t blown away by the results—some collaborations seemed to fizzle out. But when she looked back and really analyzed the data, the outcome was impressive. From all those collaborations, Tina ended up growing her email list by thousands. What’s more, these weren’t just any subscribers; they had a phenomenal 5% conversion rate, with several making multiple purchases. This was a prime audience that really resonated with the ethos of shopping small and valued her brand’s unique qualities.

The big takeaway from Tina’s experience? Even if in the moment a collaboration doesn’t feel like a win, the cumulative effect can be significant.

How Collaborations Can Multiply Your Sales Opportunities


A brand collaboration is basically teaming up with another business to help each other reach more people and grow. It’s about pooling your resources—like your audiences and your marketing platforms—to give each other a boost. You could share each other’s social media posts, promote each other’s products, or even team up for a joint giveaway.


The idea is to introduce your brand to folks who trust and buy from your collaboration partner, leveraging their credibility to gain new followers or customers. And here’s why I think every single online store owner should be embracing collaboration: you’re not shelling out big bucks for ads, you’re using what you both already have to reach a wider audience. It’s like getting a friend to vouch for you, making new potential customers feel more at ease checking you out since someone they already trust thinks you’re great.

Blueprint for Success: Crafting Your Collaboration Strategy Step-by-Step

Here’s how Tina likes to roll out a collab. She starts with a couple of teaser posts on Facebook, her go-to platform. She’ll drop hints like, “Hey, something cool’ss on the way!” and maybe show off a pic of a favorite product from her collab partner’s collection, or their logo to stir up some interest.

Next, she dives into a full week of sharing their products and content. She might post their brand video, a cool discount code they’ve given just for her audience, and she’ll send out some emails to spread the word. But she keeps it to a limited time—no more than a week or a week and a half. Then it’s back to business as usual, focusing on her own store.

What Tina loves about this method is that it’s quick and impactful. We know people need to hear a message a few times before they act on it, so packing it into a short burst helps drive that message home. It might seem like a lot to share their content for a whole week, but it’s effective.

Tina doesn’t make any new content; she uses what her partner already has. She’ll browse through their feed, pick things that align with what her audience likes, and share those. She might add a personal touch like, “Check out this amazing behind-the-scenes look at how this jewelry is made—I think you’ll find it as cool as I do!”

Since it’s Tina sharing, people who know and trust her taste get that extra nudge to check out what she’s recommending.

Keep it simple at the start. This makes everything less intimidating, and you’ll feel good knocking out those smaller wins, which amps you up to take on more.

What’s Stopping You? Common Barriers To Collaboration

Each month in the Inner Circle we have focused training in the classroom. And as part of that monthly theme, we host a live call with two of our coaches where students can ask questions, meet other members (and potential partners), and start to plan out their monthly activities. Our focus in April was collaborations, and on the live call, Tina was able to hear firsthand some of the barriers that store owners encounter when trying out this strategy.

Here’s how you can tackle some common hang-ups that make collaborating feel tougher than it is:

Hang-Up 1: Finding the right partner

Issue: Many store owners struggle to identify collaboration partners because they think they need to be selling something similar.

Solution: When you’re on the lookout for a collaboration partner, keep it straightforward and easy. Start by finding common ground. For example, if you’re independent store owners, that’s a great starting point because you’re likely attracting customers who aren’t just hunting for the cheapest deal—they’re not your typical big box store shoppers. They’re looking for something unique, something that big retailers don’t offer.

It’s also smart to partner with someone who serves the same geographic area as you do (i.e. find stores who ship to the same countries as you do). This way, your audiences are more likely to overlap, which can make logistics and marketing smoother.

Sometimes, people worry about potential partners being too similar to their own brand. But remember, each brand has its unique story. Tina sells artisan-made home decor and jewelry, and she’s successfully partnered with other jewelry shops, vintage bookstores, and even food stores. It works because both shops’ offerings connect with different facets of our customers’ interests.

In the end, it’s all about getting your brand in front of new eyes. Focus on shared interests and values rather than worrying too much about product overlap or audience size. Let the audience decide what resonates with them. Keep it simple, and you’ll find the right partners who can help you reach new customers and grow your business.

Hang-Up 2: Feeling Too Small to Play

Issue: If your social media following is small, you might think you’re not a good enough partner for a collab.

Solution: It’s all about quality, not quantity. Even if your follower count isn’t massive, every store owner struggles with what to post that will delight their audience. Can you create a post for them that has great photos? Can you tell a story that will get their customers laughing or excited about what you do? Do you have a stellar brand video they could share? That’s what your partner and their audience will value most, not the size of your audience.

Hang-Up 3: Fair Play Fears

Issue: Worrying about whether it’s a fair trade if your new collab buddy has a smaller list or fewer followers can stall you before you even start.

Solution: Think generosity over reciprocity. It’s not about matching up stats—it’s about mutual growth and reaching new customers. If it really bugs you, the store with the larger list can send only to a segment that’s equal to the size of your list. But remember, this is more about helping each other out than keeping score.

Hang-Up 4: Making Mountains Out of Molehills

Issue: Overthinking every little detail? That’s a surefire way to never get past the planning phase.

Solution: Start with something small and simple. Share each other’s posts, team up for a mini-event, or swap blog features. Get a feel for working together on little things before you dive into anything too deep.


When you start out, just get it done, done is better than perfect. And success really just looks like, okay, I did it. My products in front of a whole new engaged audience. Somebody has shared my story on social media.”



Teamwork Makes The Dream Work: Measuring Success

When your collaboration has ended and you’re evaluating whether it was a hit or miss, here’s what you should consider:

  • Did They Deliver? Check if your partner did everything they promised. It’s all about whether they stuck to the plan.
  • Communication Check: Did you guys manage to have a post-collab chat? It’s good to talk things through—what went well, what didn’t, and learn from each other.
  • Repeat Potential: Is this someone you’d be keen to team up with again? If you’re nodding yes, that’s a pretty good sign it went well.
  • Engagement Metrics: Did your links get clicks? How about the emails they sent out—did those drive traffic your way? These numbers can tell you a lot about the practical impact of the collab.

Before you dive into more complex projects like giveaways, these are the basics to nail down. They give you a solid idea of whether you’re on the right track for future successful collaborations with this partner.

And if a collaboration doesn’t pan out, don’t stress over it. You always end up learning something valuable. Maybe you find out that the product or brand just didn’t click with your audience, or perhaps the strategy you chose wasn’t the best approach. Next time, you might try tossing in an extra email or maybe including a discount to see if that spices things up.

Sometimes, it turns out the person you chose to collaborate with isn’t the right fit, and that’s totally fine. Don’t just throw in the towel and decide collaborations aren’t for you. Keep pushing, keep trying. Here’s the thing: it’s a numbers game. It’s all about taking action and getting your brand in front of new eyes. The more you do, the better your chances of striking gold.

How Often Should You Collaborate?

Tina has a pretty big network, so she collaborates every two or three months. But if you’re just starting out, aiming for at least two collaborations a year is a solid beginning. And if you click with someone awesome, why not suggest another collaboration the following month?

Remember, it’s all about spotting opportunities. Whenever you meet another brand or store owner, think about whether they could be a good fit for a collaboration. Open up that conversation! And if they’re not already in the know—like not part of your usual circle—you might need to spell out what collaborating involves because sometimes people assume it’s going to be a huge deal.

Realistically, you could collaborate as often as once a month if you’re up for it and have partners lined up. It should definitely be part of your content strategy. After all, it’s about getting more eyes on your products without extra costs—purely a numbers game. So, don’t hold back. The more you do, the more your audience and traffic will grow!

How Do You Nurture Collab Leads?

Treat them just like you would any other contact, it’s as simple as that. Sometimes we overthink it and start creating all these complex rules—like if someone came through a popup, they need a certain type of message, or if they came through another route, they need a different approach.

But here’s the thing: these are all warm leads. They’ve shown interest; they’ve opted in. So just loop them into your regular communications. Send them the same engaging content and brand stories you send to everyone else on your list. Keep it straightforward and consistent. Whatever you think they should know about your brand, that’s what you should be sharing right from the start.

Get Over Yourself And Collaborate!

I know I’m a broken record about this strategy, but I really encourage you to just dive in and start. Don’t let anything hold you back. Find a partner without overthinking it. If you’re part of our Inner Circle, you’ve got a pool of potential partners right at your fingertips. Decide what you’re going to swap—maybe a story, a brand video, or something cool like “Tina’s favorites” or your own version of that. Settle on what you’ll exchange and when, and then just give it a shot.

Try it out and stick with it for a while. You’ll see how all those small steps add up over the year. And the best part? It’s not just about business growth. This is also about connection. E-commerce can be a lonely place, but through collaboration, you end up making friends, learning new things, maybe picking up a tip or two.



Organic Results That Will Shock You (Tina’s Year Of Collaboration)

The Story of A Profitable Makers Collaboration

How To Use Collaborations To Get Traffic And Sales

Think Out Of The Box For Organic Growth

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(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

How To Get Affordable, Quality Traffic, Episode 235

How To Get Affordable, Quality Traffic, Episode 235

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Two Things You Must Remember, Episode 234

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This Will Get You Unstuck, Episode 233

This Will Get You Unstuck, Episode 233

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