Our Inner Circle Member, Kelly, has a cool little Shopify store called ShopRollick.com

She’s doing a lot of things right. Her site looks great, she knows her numbers, and she has a small but mighty base of loyal customers.

But here’s the thing: Her sales are about $2,000 – $3,000 a month, and while that pays the bills, it doesn’t pay her well.

And her dream is to give up her day job and work her business full time!

In this episode of 15-Minute Feedback, Kelly and I make a plan for her to start getting more sales now.

Watch and see how she’s going to:

  • Implement one strategy that will get her more sales right away! (you can do this too)
  • Focus on this One Thing that will set her up for long term success ( I gave her a challenge)
  • Implement a plan that will double her monthly traffic

Members of the Inner Circle have the opportunity to have Susan review their website and provide them with three actionable steps to get more website traffic.

Interested in learning more about the Inner Circle? Click here.

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