My advice to our Inner Circle Members is always to be really consistent with just a few things. If you do that, you’ll make progress.

But often, it’s almost impossible to see that progress so it’s very tempting to change course and spend time looking for new strategies.

And here’s the thing…

Progress comes in baby steps, so it’s hard to see.

That’s why I always focus on strategies that I can track and measure, so that I can check my progress. That way, even if it’s not visible at first glance I just need to check my numbers and I’ll know.

At Sock Doggo, I’m working on the very same strategies we teach in the Inner Circle.

So even though I don’t have a ton of sales, I have three ways to check my progress.

You can see my results and how I get clarity here:

If you’d rather read, I’ve got you covered.

Reason #1

Returning Visitors buy twice as often as New Visitors.

You can see, in my first 90 days of sales, I got 28% of my sales from 12% of my visitors, and they spend almost 3x as long on my site.

Here’s the clue: I am driving some quality traffic, I just need more.

Next Steps: Focus on getting more Returning Visitors
I’ll do this by being more consistent with my email, posting more on Social, and spending more of my ad budget on warm audiences.

Reason #2

My Conversion Funnel is working.

I look for a conversion rate of at least 25% of my number of Added to Cart.
To me, that’s a sign of a healthy funnel.

For the first 90 days of sales my funnel is converting at 33%.
(99 completed purchases / 299 add to cart)

Here’s the Clue: My checkout process is good, I just need more people to Add to Cart so I can sell more.

Next Steps: Focus on more Returning Visitors because they are more likely to Add to Cart.

Reason #3

My email marketing is working, (even though it feels like it’s not.)

I’ve sent out many campaigns that have 0 sales attributed to them. And when I look at my email flows, I don’t think they’re converting very well.

Here’s the Clue: When I look at the big picture, I see that in the past 90 Days, 34% of my sales are attributed to email. That’s a big number, and one that I can track and measure to improve on.
Right now, I know that for every email I send, I’m getting .03 back.
A tiny amount for sure, but one I can build on.

Next Steps: Focus on growing my email list.

I can do this by driving more returning visitors to my site, and by running Events like The Perfect Giveaway, that bring more new people onto my list.

There you have it!
Even though it feels like things aren’t happening, and I’m tempted to try all the things, one look at my data tells me to stay the course, focus on driving traffic to my site, getting people back for a second and third visit, and using the tools I have to grow my email list.

If I do that, my sales will grow.

If you have questions, comment below and ask me!

So, here’s what I need you to do next.

First, sign up to get updates in your inbox:

Then, be sure to Like and Follow my page on Facebook. I’ll be posting regular updates there!

That’s it! It will be a fun adventure, all the way from 0 to $50K on Shopify!

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