Sock Doggo has officially completed the Traffic Stage.

There are three stages we go through as we build our stores.

Stage #1 is Traffic.

When you’re in the Traffic Stage, your goal is to get 3000 web visitors to your store every month.

100 a day.

At a 1% conversion rate, you can usually get one sale every day you get 100 web visitors.

My new business, Sock Doggo, has been in the Traffic Stage since the doors opened in November.

My main focus has been traffic because you can’t get sales without enough traffic.

But after doing Traffic Bootcamp for a few months, we’ve been able to get our traffic up over 3000 visitors each month.

The best part about Traffic Bootcamp is that you really do learn how to find the right audience.

When you start driving traffic to your site, and they are the right audience, you start to get sales.

At first, the sales come in slowly, but over time, as your traffic inches up, the sales get more regular, and you start to feel like you’re going to get this!

***Traffic Bootcamp is a great way to learn how to find your perfect audience using Facebook and Instagram ads. It’s the best way to get quality traffic without spending a fortune. (see it here)

My next steps?

I’m headed into Conversion School. (It’s a training module in our Inner Circle program.)

Even though I still have to keep my traffic up to 3000+ monthly web visitors, I’m finally at the fun part, where I can start working on turning those web visitors into buyers!

The first thing I did was use my Conversion Goal calculator to see how much traffic I’ll need to reach my sales goal.

You can see it all here, including the calculator in action!

Want your own Conversion Goal Calculator?

When you join the waitlist for the Inner Circle, we’ll send you a free lesson from Conversion School, and a Conversion Calculator that you can download and use to set your sales goals.

It will really help you understand your next steps. Get on the waitlist here.

If you have questions, comment below and ask me!

So, here’s what I need you to do next.

First, sign up to get updates in your inbox:

Then, be sure to Like and Follow my page on Facebook. I’ll be posting regular updates there!

That’s it! It will be a fun adventure, all the way from 0 to $50K on Shopify!

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