If you’ve been following my progress as I lurch towards $50K in my new store, you might remember that in June, I had my best month of sales. We sold more than $2K in June, with basically one product, a $37 box of socks for people who love wiener dogs.

After what felt like a big win, I hunkered down and did some serious work in July.

I’m in the process of manufacturing several new styles, and developing an audience as I prepare to launch them.

Sound familiar?

All July I kept my head down, and because I was so focused on my new project, I missed one really important thing. 

And because of that my conversion rate dropped from 2% to .64%.

I bet you’ve done this too.

What happened? 

Watch this episode to see what marketing work I did, and how I fooled myself into thinking I was making progress. 

You’ll see how I could have avoided this disaster simply by tracking a few key metrics.

The short version is that I got so busy doing “all the things”, I took my eye off the ball, and missed the important things. The things that actually get me sales.

The work I did was all good, but I didn’t do any sales focused work.

And because I wasn’t tracking my metrics, by the time I realized what was happening, the month was almost over.

What metrics should I be tracking?

  • Traffic
  • Returning Visitors
  • Average Order Value
  • Conversion Rate

Are you tracking these key metrics? If not, you need to start today.

If you have questions, comment below and ask me!

So, here’s what I need you to do next.

First, sign up to get updates in your inbox:

Then, be sure to Like and Follow my page on Facebook. I’ll be posting regular updates there!

That’s it! It will be a fun adventure, all the way from 0 to $50K on Shopify!

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