​Anna Aliza makes beautiful hair clips for kids. She has a thriving business.

For a while, she had a subscription box, where she sent out clips to her members every month.

But there’s a problem.

No matter how hard she works, her income will always be limited because she’s a maker.

And, there’s a limit to how much she can charge for her time. She’s never getting a raise.

That means that it’s almost impossible for her to make more money.

Anna Aliza joined me in Tribe last year. Her goal was to get recurring revenue without taking up hours of her time.

And that’s how Hair Clipology was born. It’s a Project of the Month strategy.

One day each month, Anna sends a package of raw materials to her members. She records a tutorial and uploads it to a gated area of her website.

The members get the perfect amount of materials they need, and they log in to watch the video to learn how to create their clips.

Anna spends one day a month serving her members and makes a week’s worth of profit.

She’s got a strategy to get paid for her time and her talent, and it’s a strategy she can scale!

Check out this convo we had recently:

​I bet you’re thinking now!

If you’d like to learn more about recurring revenue for your product-based business, check out my free guide:
5 Ways to Recurring Revenue for Online Stores.

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