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Hi and good morning:
My website is a men’s store selling suits and accessories. The biggest seller seems to be our socks. We sell a few other items but not as much as socks.
We advertise free in men groups and get traffic and some sales. What do you suggest to increase sales, with socks? Do we need to drop other items and concentrate solely on socks?
I was trying to see how this video could be applied to my boutique. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hey Susan, great video. Thank u! Question for you please . . . let’s assume that the 100 shirts sold out like hot cakes, and you want to sell more. But you said you’re only going to make 100 and that was it. So, how do you sell more of the shirts without lying to your audience?
Thanks, Debbie.
If you sell out, turn that into a win. You can post about selling out quickly, potentially run another giveaway, and even take pre orders if you like.