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GA-4 is here.
Every day, we’re getting questions from store owners asking what they need to do.
It’s a big deal, so today I’m bringing in our Inner Circle Google Expert, Leona Griffin to give us the facts, and share the steps you need to take to get ready for this big change.
In July 2023, GA-4 will replace your current Google Analytics UA property.
That means that store owners will no longer be able to see their past data or collect current data on their current Google Analytics property.
If we want to continue collecting data, we’ll need to install GA-4 now. And if you’re like me, you’ll want to be able to compare your 2023 results to 2022, so you’ll need to have GA-4 up and running now, so you will have the past year’s history when the switch happens next July.
The problem for us Shopify store owners is that there is currently no one size fits all solution to continue collecting your eCommerce data with this new version of GA.
Listen in as Leona walks us through the steps you can take now so that you’ll be set up to make a smooth transition.
Also, I know that some of you will need a little extra help. We’ve planned a GA-4 Workshop for Inner Circle members, so they can get the support they need to get GA-4 installed and working.
I feel that this is critical, and because of that, I’m opening this Workshop to non members as well.
I know you need this help.
You can attend the workshop and get the replay for only $15.
Purchase your seat and get registered here:
** Inner Circle Members DO NOT purchase this**
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