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As eCommerce store owners, most of us have been in a position to grow by leaps and bounds over the last two years. We all need to take stock and be grateful. I think every one of us needs to take stock and look at the number of new customers we’ve gained since March 2020.

We have been lucky when Business owners in many other industries have struggled just to remain open.

But with the world opening up, 2022 is turning out to be a tougher year for growth for most of us.

So we need to make some changes to the work we do.

I want you to flip your thinking about the value of quick wins vs playing the long game.

Over the next few weeks – I will share what’s working now to get more sales- for our members and for me.

The episodes will be actionable episodes, so grab a pen and make some notes.

Today I’m encouraging you to think strategically about your business.

Get focused on generating more leads every day.

I’ll tell you how. It’s not so hard!

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

4 Steps To High-Converting Product Pages, Episode 232

4 Steps To High-Converting Product Pages, Episode 232

10 Sep
The Formula for Sales Everyday, Episode 231

The Formula for Sales Everyday, Episode 231

4 Sep
Focus On THIS Right Now, Episode 230

Focus On THIS Right Now, Episode 230

27 Aug