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Brooke McCallum has a great story to share. 

Listen in and learn how she and her business partner Jodie are blazing an e-commerce trail across western Australia.

There are two big takeaways that I want you to listen for and think about:

  1. How they have exploded their sales by targeting a very specific person and then creating a simple, clear offer just for her.
  2. How they used questions about their product and service to vastly improve their conversion rate.

Listen in, and then go think about how you might use these strategies to create some big growth!

Check out Brooke and Jodie’s shop here.


New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

10x’ing Jane’s Sales, Episode 251

10x’ing Jane’s Sales, Episode 251

21 Jan