Today I’m sharing a story about my business that I never thought I would share.

It’s kind of embarrassing.
For many years I thought that most people who have a successful business or are working towards a successful business would think a lot less of me if they knew about my epic struggle.

Recently, I became aware of just how many people struggle with this very same thing.
It’s paralyzing. It took me years to find a solution.

So today I’m telling you about my big fear, how it held me back for years, and how I was finally able to move forward.
I know there are some people who will get it, and I know my story can help you.

Get a Plan to Grow Your Sales Every Month

Stop wondering if you’re “doing it right” and learn how to grow your sales in a consistent, predictable way. Spend 40 minutes with me in this eye opening workshop, and you’ll leave with a few simple steps that will grow your sales next month. Find a time that works for you.

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Avoid the spam folder. Do this today. Episode 200

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What happens when you put Marketing First. Episode 198

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