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Our Conversion Coach, Tina Bar-On has seen the back end of a lot of Shopify stores, and she’s a Google Analytics wizard.

Today, she spills the beans on the common mistake she sees store owners make when it comes to conversion.

She’ll share with you what happens on a Coaching Call, and the results you can expect.

Plus, she’ll leave you with her top tips for improving conversion.

Here’s why we have coaches in the Inner Circle:

Way back in the day when I was searching for ways to grow my store, I bought several online courses.
Some were good, some not so good. But the one thing that was disappointing about all of the training was that after I bought the course, there wasn’t a way to get a little extra help.

So sometimes I got stuck. Without an easy way to get unstuck.

I haven’t forgotten how that made me feel and that’s why we don’t let that happen in the Inner Circle.

Our members have exclusive access to our coaches. Whenever they need a little extra help, they can book a call with and get unstuck fast.

Our coaches are fully trained in the program and like me, they’re e-commerce store owners too.

Check out Tina’s e-commerce sites: and

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Get my new course,  Conversion School for Free!

Learn our step by step process to grow your sales, without spending a

fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products

The strategy you’ll learn in Conversion School works for Ecommerce stores at all stages. 

You'll use your store’s data, so if you’re starting out, you’ll learn how to get consistent sales. 

Established Store Owners will learn how to achieve significant sales growth every month.