Why do some people struggle to get their store off the ground when other people seem to grow their sales effortlessly.

In all the years I’ve been teaching store owners how to win at eCommerce, I can tell you it boils down to one thing.

And even though this one thing should be intuitive, most of us are too close to our businesses to see it clearly.

In this episode, I’ll lay it out for you, and share my secret recipe for building a solid foundation.

It’s so simple. I know you’ll love it.

PS: Watch for our upcoming Traffic Bootcamp. An intense week together that will leave you with the power to control your traffic and a vision of what’s possible for you! And, it’s only $10.

Get a Plan to Grow Your Sales Every Month

Stop wondering if you’re “doing it right” and learn how to grow your sales in a consistent, predictable way. Spend 40 minutes with me in this eye opening workshop, and you’ll leave with a few simple steps that will grow your sales next month. Find a time that works for you.

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