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Make Sales In Your Jammies: Meet Sam

Have you ever dreamed of making money without getting out of bed? What if I told you that was absolutely possible? And I’m not even joking.

In 2022, I sat down with Sam Gilhooley, owner of Magnetics, and a student of our Reliable Revenue course who did exactly that (although not by choice). This is such an amazing story, because Sam, who sells magnetic therapy products for horses and dogs, had only recently implemented our Reliable Revenue marketing system when tragedy struck and landed her in bed for seventeen months.

Keep reading Sam’s story or CLICK HERE to listen

Magnetics’ Humble Beginnings

Sam started Magnetics in 2013, and despite working a full time job, had built a pretty solid business. Her products were a hit with customers, she had a lot of social proof in the form of shares and testimonials, and her social media engagement was impressive by any standards. But she was still working “in” her business, managing her own customer service and order fulfillment herself.

Trading The Tape Gun for Teamwork

Sam has always been more of a strategic thinker, and knew that she wanted to build a Brand, not work for a business. Even though she didn’t feel completely ready, she finally “put down the tape gun” as we say and found a fulfillment center to ship orders. And while Sam loves her customers, she knew that she was not the best one to be dealing with questions, returns, or lost packages. So she hired one of her customers to take over customer service and never looked back.

Once she had a little more time, Sam decided to enroll in Reliable Revenue [LINK], an 8-week course we offer to help ecommerce store owners implement a proven, repeatable marketing system so that they can get clarity and grow their sales. She had started out selling on 3 platforms – Amazon, eBay, and her own website. Reliable Revenue helped her let go of the other two platforms so that she could put all of her efforts into marketing and growing her web sales.


We sometimes joke that this system will have you making sales in your sleep…Sam had no idea how true this would be until tragedy struck, and it was her Reliable Revenue system that saved her bacon.


How Outsourcing + Automation Saved Sam’s Business

In the months before her illness, Sam followed the course to the letter, even though she was feeling hesitant to implement things like discount pop-ups and weekly emails to her subscribers. She started collecting email addresses, and implemented several email automations (like an Abandoned Cart Flow) that were set to run around the clock with no extra effort on her part. She was already beginning to see results when a scary incident at a trade event turned into six weeks of medical investigation that did nothing to explain Sam’s sudden vertigo, hearing loss, and neurological symptoms.

While her illness remained a mystery, her doctor advised her to remain in bed. Even though Sam had outsourced a lot of tasks, she couldn’t have continued managing things if she wanted to, her symptoms were so severe.

Sam was terrified that Magnetics would sink in her absence, although she stuck with both her customer service employee and fulfillment center, and kept her social media ads running. What she couldn’t have foreseen was that those Reliable Revenue systems were already humming along in the background, keeping things running seamlessly even without her involvement. And so, miraculously, with little to no effort on her part, Magnetics didn’t just stay afloat…it GREW. By 55%, no less.

Her paid ads were sending traffic, her pop-up was popping, her list was growing, and her cash register kept chiming as if nothing had changed at all. And in the meantime, Sam was getting closer to understanding what had happened to her, and inching slowly towards recovery. Even without doing a thing, Sam was still earning a paycheck from her business.

Sam works around animals, so naturally she’s always getting bitten by something. But when she began to do some research, she realized that a strange-looking bug bite from years before could explain nearly all of her symptoms. She had Lyme Disease, and it had attacked her nervous system to the point of incapacitation.

Thankfully, she found a specialist who could help her, and slowly, but surely Sam’s brain began to come back online. She regained her ability to read, and finally started feeling like herself again. After seventeen months of bed rest, Sam had seen the capacity of her automated marketing system to make her business bulletproof…and she was now ready to take it to new heights.

From Bed Rest to Business Boss

In the years since her health crisis, Sam has relied on her favorite business principles of “simplicity, automation, cost management, outsourcing, and team building.” She re-enrolled in Reliable Revenue to implement even more automations to her system, and she is focused on optimizing her website and driving traffic by outsourcing as much as she can to apps or employees. She has also doubled down on email marketing and engaging her customers organically.

And now?

She’s proud to say that Magnetics’ revenue is well into the multi-six figures. All while leaving her time to take on a new project – helping others who suffer from Lyme disease. 

Real Talk: Why Your Business Needs a Reliable Revenue System

While I wouldn’t wish Sam’s misfortune on anyone, her story is truly a testament to the resilience automated systems and outsourcing can create for your business. She couldn’t have known at the time, but the work Sam put in during the months before her health crisis made all the difference when she needed them most. Even if you don’t plan to stay in bed for seventeen months, the Reliable Revenue system is something every single ecommerce store owner should be implementing. You can learn more about it here.

Sam was able to pay herself for 17 months while she was unable to work:

Basically, it was because she had done the work we teach in Reliable Revenue before she got sick.

We only offer this program once a year, and I truly believe that every store owner should do this work.

This year, before we start the Reliable Revenue 2024 course, I’ve decided to create a free mini course that will show you how Reliable Revenue works, and what it’s like as we work together to implement the lessons.

 The course is four short videos that will give you an idea of what the program is like, and what you will learn.

I want you to see what’s possible for you, and this mini course will show what you’ll need to do, not only to protect what you’ve built, but also how to grow your sales and be more profitable without spending a fortune on ads.

I encourage you to get these free lessons when they launch on February 11th. I promise you, you’ll learn strategies that will get you more sales, and make you a confident business owner.

“The Secret to Generating Reliable Revenue” is free for you, and will be delivered on Feb 11th!


See Sam’s website here:

Connect with Sam about Lyme Disease:

Learn more about Reliable Revenue:

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

New FREE Course


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.

Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

Incredible Focus Leads To $40K Months, Episode 247

Incredible Focus Leads To $40K Months, Episode 247

24 Dec