We all know that November brings our best opportunity to really maximize our sales.

If you’re like me, it’s easy to get lost thinking about all the things you could do to make it your best month yet.

This year, I’ve decided to keep it simple. I want to get sales AND simplify the process, so I’m not stressed or overwhelmed by an involved plan with a lot of moving parts.

If this sounds good to you, read on. It’s a plan anyone can use.

I’m focusing on 3 things this month, and that’s it.

This simple, stress free plan is not only easy to implement, it will also save you time.

Check it out below:

To keep it simple, the plan is centered around one message. 

More than half of our sales at Sock Doggo are to gift buyers. I know this from a survey we did earlier this year, but also by watching the sales pour in for Father’s Day.

So, this year, all my messaging is going to be around gifting socks. Socks are the perfect gift. They always fit, and it’s a gift people use all year round.

I’ll create copy that I can use for social media, and in emails, as well as images that will present the products as gifts.

Here’s my 3 step plan:

1. Traffic: 

I’ve got a “new” traffic goal. I’m going to use my budget differently, based on what I know works for my business.

My new traffic goal is 5000 web visitors for November. I’ll do this by adding in a Google Shopping Campaign and using Facebook and Instagram ads to supplement our traffic.

My New Visitor Conversion rate is .62% and returning Visitor Conversion rate is 1.34%

I need to add in more returning Visitors to my traffic mix, so 40% of my ad budget will be spent on retargeting.

See my Google Analytics report here:

2. Email:

We’ll be sending one Campaign each week. Each email will be a listicle of gifts for dog lovers and our product will be featured along with others on each list.

This is where we will be strategic, and select products from businesses that we might want to collaborate with in the future. We’ll reach out to the businesses that we feature and hopefully they will promote the list too.

We’ll use our proven sending strategy, featured on my Podcast Episode 9 – A 10 Minute Email Strategy. You can listen to it here on Apple Podcast or here on Spotify.

3. Black Friday:

Our promotion will start on November 23rd and run through November 30th. We’re still fine tuning the details and I can’t wait to share it with you in a future post.

If you have questions, comment below and ask me!

So, here’s what I need you to do next.

First, sign up to get updates in your inbox:

Then, be sure to Like and Follow my page on Facebook. I’ll be posting regular updates there!

That’s it! It will be a fun adventure, all the way from 0 to $50K on Shopify!

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