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Is keeping up with Social Media a constant source of stress for you?
Do you feel like you should have a plan, but don’t know what that even looks like?

Are you wondering if all your effort on Social Media is worth it? 

The truth is that most store owners can’t afford to ignore Social Media.


Here’s why you can’t afford to ignore Social Media:
The number one reason that most people aren’t getting sales is that they don’t have enough eyeballs on their products. Even though organic reach has declined, Social Media is still the very best place to find ‘your’ people and get your products in front of them. You can find thousands of your people on Social Media – and you can do it for very little money.

You might not know this important fact:
You can use Social Media platforms to build a huge audience of several hundred thousand people. These are people who have indicated their interest by watching one of your videos, or engaging with a post, and you can capture them in an audience, and then show them more of the content they’re interested in. 

About 2% of those people will click through to your site, and some will become customers.

I don’t think Social Media is optional for most of us. It’s how we get eyeballs. 

We use Social Media to fill  our Sales Funnel and start the customer Journey.

The goal is to systemize your content – so it’s easy to create posts that attract your perfect people.  Do this and you won’t be stuck doing your own Social Media forever.


What if you had a plan that allowed you to have one meeting a month. If you’re working solo, you’d have a meeting with yourself, but if your goal is to outsource Social Media, you could meet with your Social Media assistant.

In the meeting you’ll decide what products or events you’re featuring each week, and once you do that, you’ll walk away with 4 weeks worth of posts and videos that are aligned with the content and promotions you’ll use for your email campaigns.

It might sound too good to be true, but this is the system that we’ve been using to make Social Media easy. 

It’s allowed me to feel confident that my Social Media content is relevant, engaging, and is attracting more of my target audience. 

Since we’ve been using it, my Social Media Manager, Katy, has all the content she needs to do her job well, without having to ask me for content all the time. That’s a huge burden off my shoulders. 


Most store owners struggle to outsource their Social Media

I’ve seen so many people outsource their Social Media, only to bring it back in house a few months later.

When I ask why, the number one reason I hear is that the content wasn’t right. The store owner was having to edit all the posts, and it was too much work.

Many store owners give up because the assistant they hired needed too much from them, and the store owner was left feeling like hiring help actually created more work.

I knew that there had to be a better way. Early this year, I started working with my Social Media manager Katy, to come up with a system that would eliminate most of the pain points that we all experience with Social Media.

The outcome I wanted was for store owners to have a simple, repeatable, system that they could use to create great, relevant, quality content that builds their audience. It had to be do-able in a couple of hours a month. Lastly, it needed to be clear and simple so store owners could hand it off, and be confident that their content would have an impact on sales.

We came up with a system – and Katy spent several months testing it with some of her clients and using it on her own ecommerce store. We know it works, and we know it will help other store owners finally get Social Media off their plate. So we created a new course.

Last month our new course, Social Media Made Easy, was available to Inner Circle members only, and now we’re making it available to everyone who is ready to finally have a system for their Social Media.
I think every store owner can benefit from the strategy and process we teach in the course.

Grab a pen, and get the framework here on the podcast

Or, keep reading for a look at the strategy and process we’re using


The Strategy

Many store owners are frustrated with Social Media because they often can’t see if it’s working. This creates an internal struggle when you’re setting your priorities and deciding how much time to dedicate to Social Media. dedicating our time to it.

We’ve become very clear on the outcome we’re looking for, and how we are measuring our results.

I think you might find this helpful too, because this simple system of measuring shows me the impact of the work we’re doing.

My one clear outcome from Social Media is to build my audience. I track the size of my audience every month by measuring my 30 day reach across all platforms. This gives me a clear picture of the size of my audience.

It’s a metric that the entire team understands. Because we set “audience size” goals, and measure our results every month, I know that our Social Media plan has an impact on our results.

We post Consistent messaging across all platforms every week. 

Communication is the hardest thing, and it took me a long time to learn that people have to hear the same message several times before it really sinks in. 

Over the years, I’ve seen evidence that this is a fact.

I see it in our Inner Circle Members every month. Even though we have the same live calls every month, and members receive multiple emails and notifications, one of the most commonly asked questions is “where’s the link”?

I see it in my own behavior. I find myself asking again and again for information that’s been shared with me before.

People are busy. Our attention is scattered, and Social Media is noisy.

Clarity leads to results. Our strategy is to create clarity for your audience by consistent messaging across Social Media and Email Marketing about one product, or one Event a week.
It might feel repetitive, but it works.

Clarity comes from seeing one message multiple times.

Confusion comes from seeing multiple messages once.

Listen to this episode of the podcast to see how to apply this strategy for more effective emails


The Process

We plan our “weekly” content once a month. Because each week is all about only one product or one event, it’s relatively fast and easy to block out the weeks and decide what we’ll be posting about.

We use our Content Matrix to identify and record the talking points we will use to create a full week’s worth of content for our posts.

Watch here as Katy and I create a week’s worth of content in less than 10 minutes.

Use the Matrix content for Social Media posts, but we also use it for our emails, so we’re creating a consistent message everywhere, and we don’t have to stress about coming up with more ideas.

We’re set up to recycle our content. Sadly, nobody is watching what you do closely enough to call you out on reusing content that has worked well for you. It’s smart to recycle your content every few months.

We have a process that others can learn. When you have a strategy and systemize your Social Media, you can train others to use this repeatable process. You’ll cut your workload down to one meeting a month, and be confident that your social media is getting better results than before.

Click Here to Start Using Social Media Made Easy

Get a Plan to Grow Your Sales Every Month

Stop wondering if you’re “doing it right” and learn how to grow your sales in a consistent, predictable way. Spend 40 minutes with me in this eye opening workshop, and you’ll leave with a few simple steps that will grow your sales next month. Find a time that works for you.

New FREE Course coming September 22nd


(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales, without spending a fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products.


Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.


Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

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