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Even though we got a lot right when I was building my new store on Shopify, there was one thing I got really wrong.

Today, I’m going to share that with you and tell you why it’s important. Because you might be doing it too.

And you want to fix that, friend.

Check out our Traffic Bootcamp which helped me cut my ad costs by more than 60%

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Wondering what you can do that will get you results fast?
Take our Assessment Quiz and we’ll deliver a package of training that is just for your business right now.

Get my new course,  Conversion School for Free!

Learn our step by step process to grow your sales, without spending a

fortune on risky ad strategies, or discounting your products

The strategy you’ll learn in Conversion School works for Ecommerce stores at all stages. 

You'll use your store’s data, so if you’re starting out, you’ll learn how to get consistent sales. 

Established Store Owners will learn how to achieve significant sales growth every month.