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The ecommerce landscape is evolving, is your marketing plan still relevant? Or is it time for a refresh?

Susan recently spoke to Jane Hamill of Fashion Brain Academy about what we see working NOW for their students. They chose 3 strategies each that focus on practicality, authenticity, and effective communication to stay on top of the game in 2024. 

Listen to the podcast episode here or keep reading for the strategies

Jane’s Top 3 Strategies for eCommerce Marketing in 2024

1. Short Form Video

Jane has found that short-form video has been a game-changer for students lately. Their approach involves creating a consistent video routine, whether it’s one video per week or a batch of four in a month. This content can be shared across various channels, including email and social media, and can provide the basis for the other content you share that week. Jane encourages us to focus on the habit of producing regular content, rather than making each video perfect. Whether it’s showcasing a product tutorial or just offering a glimpse into the personal side of your life, the goal is to establish a routine that keeps your audience consistently engaged.

2. Keep It Quick’n’Dirty

Jane’s pro tip is to keep your marketing “quick and dirty,” trading perfect and professional for messy and intimate. Your followers crave authenticity, so regularly showing up in a genuine, unguarded way is much more engaging than the infrequent “perfect” post. There are certainly appropriate times to go all in, but in the fast-moving world of social media, it isn’t efficient to spend too much time on any one post. And showing up authentically makes you relatable!

3. An Innovative Way To Grow Your List

Jane believes your #1 focus this year should be growing your email list, and something she has seen working for her students lately is what she calls a “product tester event.” This strategy involves inviting customers to test out a new product in exchange for feedback and engagement. This not only generates leads but also provides user-generated content, reviews, and valuable insights into product viability. This is not the same as a giveaway, where entrants may just be seeking free product; this type of event will attract your ideal customer who is excited about what you sell and willing to help your business to succeed. Jane loves that this is a repeatable, low-lift event that you can implement quickly and reap big rewards.

Susan’s Top Tips

1. REACH: The Metric To Track

Many e-commerce store owners waste time and energy obsessing over their social media follower-count. Instead, Susan suggests that REACH is a more valuable metric to track and measure. With the ranked-feed algorithm affecting visibility, your followers may not even be seeing your content at all. Susan suggests studying the content that gains the most reach and creating your content strategy accordingly. By concentrating on reach rather than followers, you can ensure that the content you’re creating is really engaging your audience, not just building a vanity metric that’s worth very little.

2. Get Personal with Email

Unlike social media, email is the one channel that you know your audience will receive. Susan urges us to get more personal with our email marketing in 2024. Recently she has seen Inner Circle members, like Sylvie from, having huge success by injecting personality into their emails, sharing anecdotes beyond just product promotions. Think of email as a way to build community the same way you would through social media, where subscribers are interested in more than just the products. It’s ok to speak to your audience like friends! Authenticity and relatability trump the traditional, overly polished marketing emails.

3. Volume Over Perfection

In a recent post Susan chatted with Inner Circle coach Melissa from Bike Pretty, who saw her organic reach EXPLODE after she implemented a volume-posting strategy. By posting 3x per day (see Jane’s quick’n’dirty tip above) and repurposing old, successful content, Melissa started driving 15k people to her website per month. FOR FREE. Melissa says the key to getting this right is getting over your desire for a perfect feed, schedule everything ahead of time, then set it and forget it. Commit to an hour or two each week, don’t be afraid to repeat posts, and focus on getting it done rather than making it perfect.

As we step into 2024, these 6 strategies will allow you to adapt to the changing landscape of ecommerce marketing. By showing up authentically and consistently, you’ll be prepared to stay ahead of the curve in the new year. Whether it’s embracing short-form videos, focusing on reach, embracing the quick’n’dirty method, or embracing new ways of growing your list, these strategies will keep you on track for your goals in the coming months.


Jane Hamill Podcast:

Sylvie Roy at writes the most engaging emails

Hear how Melissa’s content plan got her 15,000 monthly web visitors and reduced her cost of acquiring a customer by 44%

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