I really want to reach $50K in sales by the end of this year.

And I know that there are 2 things I need to do to reach that goal. 

One is exciting and lights me up.

The other, well…. I’m afraid to do the other thing. Really afraid.

But, here’s the deal. That one thing (the scary thing) will get me to my goal faster and without spending a pile of money on ads.

That’s the goal, right?

So, what is it? What is the big hairy scary thing?

Here it is:

Add more “me” in my business.

I know from experience with our Inner Circle Members that in most cases, the people who have created a connection with their audience get more engagement, sell more, and pay much less for traffic than those of us that don’t.

Time to drink my own koolaid.

I’m starting with a few baby steps. 

Watch this video and learn:

  1. Exactly the steps you need to take to reach your goal without spending a fortune on ads. 
  2. How to make connection points with your audience.
  3. And, how to just “Get over yourself” and add more ‘you’ into your business 

And I am also sharing some exciting news! 

I’m making Sock Doggo a People First Company.

What that means is that we’re committed to providing a living wage to a group of women in Istanbul, Turkey.

Izabela Erşahin, my friend and client, is the founder of Sector 7. 

Sector 7 provides training in the assembly and making of beautiful products, in a safe environment for a living wage. Allowing these incredible and resilient women to provide for their families.

I am proud to collaborate with Sector 7 for the making of Sock Doggo products as we journey towards 50K.

If you have questions, comment below and ask me!

So, here’s what I need you to do next.

First, sign up to get updates in your inbox:

Then, be sure to Like and Follow my page on Facebook. I’ll be posting regular updates there!

That’s it! It will be a fun adventure, all the way from 0 to $50K on Shopify!

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