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For more than a year, I’ve only posted on Social Media when I thought of something important that I should share, or when I simply wanted to connect with our Inner Circle members, or the people who are in my free Facebook Group, The Ecommerce Roadmap.

It’s been a huge relief to not spend my time worrying about what I should post, or overthink everything as I compose a post.

I finally feel like I can just show up and be myself, without an agenda.

Recently I was thinking about how much more time I have to get my work done. I realized that I only think about my Social Media once a month, when I’m meeting with Katy, my Social Media Manager.

I’ve attempted to outsource my Social Media a few times in the past. It was not always successful. I realize now that I’m the reason it didn’t work well. The truth is, I was so happy to have someone doing my Social Media,  that I did a “dump and run”.

I handed it off, without a plan, without support, and without a clear strategy.

When I hired Katy, she helped me set her up for success. It’s worked beautifully. In fact, our Social Media gets better results every month. Katy creates content that has more impact on our growth than I ever did.

I want this for you too. I often encourage store owners to spend their time on the $100/hr jobs.
Social Media is important, but it’s just not a $100/hr job.

Once you have a strategy to measure your results, it’s super easy to create a plan that you can repeat every month.

But before you hire someone to manage your social media, you owe it to yourself to do a little work that will remove barriers, and set you up for success.

I’m sharing what I’ve learned. It will prepare you to outsource your Social Media.

Fact: Getting access to your existing images and videos is a common problem for Social Media Managers. They waste too much time “chasing” store owners for content, and that makes it hard to create effective content.

Take some time to gather all your images and video in one place, and give your Social Media Manager access. As you get new products, or create more video content, add them, so that your Social media manager has everything she needs at her fingertips. Canva is a great tool to store all your creative assets.

Get clear on the specific outcome you want. Set your Social Media Manager up for success by giving her clarity. Clarity on the work that’s to be performed, Clarity on how you prefer to communicate, Clarity on your goals. Clarity on how you’ll measure success.

Before you hire help, make decisions about what you want based on what the business needs. Ask yourself these questions:

  • How many posts a week?
  • What kind of posts?
  • How will you help your Social Media Manager learn about your customer and your voice?
  • What is your goal?
  • What does success look like?
  • How will you measure success?

Fact: Your Social Media Manager needs to know what “success looks like”. Everyone needs a way to see their progress. This is your opportunity to decide what success looks like for your business. When you both know what the expectation is, you increase your chances of reaching your goals.

I use Social Media for visibility. Because of this, we measure success by audience size. We measure the size of our audience every month using our total reach on all platforms. This metric demonstrates the ROI on our Social Media efforts, and leaves me confident that I am always filling my Sales Funnel with new lead.
If you haven’t built your sales Funnel yet, do it! Schedule a time to watch my free workshop, and I’ll show you how.

Fact: If you don’t have a Content Plan, you risk wasting time and money. Your Social Media Manager needs to know what’s going on in your business before it happens. The outcome you want is twofold. Get hours back every week. Offload Social Media without creating more work for yourself. You can do this successfully by creating a repeatable content plan that you can use every month.

We use the Social Media content framework that we teach in our course, Social Media Made Easy. (link to purchase) Once a month, I meet with Katy, and share the “topic” we’re featuring each week for the following month. Katy creates the content plan for the month using the framework. Katy creates the copy and selects the images and videos she’ll use to create our posts each week. I create a “reel” for each week’s topic. This is the only fresh content I’m committed to producing.

It’s a great system. I don’t get stuck in the weeds creating copy, and Katy isn’t chasing me for content. We meet once a month and I leave feeling confident that my Social Media will drive traffic, and be engaging.

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(without breaking the bank)

Conversion School is a step by step process to grow your sales,
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Works for Ecommerce stores at all stages.

Start getting consistent sales, and see significant sales growth every month.

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