Last week we had a great little Planning Session in the Inner Circle.

After giving it our ALL for the craziness of Black Friday, Cyber Monday week, many of us are out of steam and out of ideas.

There are still weeks of selling to do before you close for the holidays.

And you need a strategy that will produce the very best sales without a ton of extra effort.

Our ,embers have spent the last few months building their audiences and building their lists.

And here’s what I know:

The biggest opportunity you have is this…


Focus all your efforts on bringing people back to your site, because they are the people most likely to buy.

Do this by:

→ shifting your ad budget to warm audiences
→ double down on your email marketing with one clear call to action

We created a simple plan for our members that they could use to get sales in December.

A plan that gets sales, even though you don’t have to spend much time and money.

Want to see it action?

Our Inner Circle member, Tania Bisaz joined us live on the Planning session, and within 24 hours, she had implemented the plan.

And the payoff? More than $600 in sales.

Interested in learning more about the Inner Circle? Click here.

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