How Lola went from Crickets to Crushing her Goals
Last week, Lola posted this in our Members only Group: "I crushed my March sales goal finishing with a 69% increase in sales from the previous year in March! An even bigger win? I'm seeing the potential for an additional career path if I don't want to work in the...
The story of how this tiny shop quadrupled sales by changing one thing
We’re working away on our Roadmap to 50K journey, but last week we switched it up, to share an inspirational story that I think some of you need to hear right now. In fact, it might be the most valuable lesson you’ll ever learn.The story starts with our very own...
How Madeline changed everything without spending a fortune on ads
I want you to meet someone special, because I think you’ll get huge value from her story.Madeline’s business, Colorful Cute, has been very much a side hustle since she opened her shop in 2017.Like so many of us, she was busy with her day job, 3 kids, and all the...
One thing that will get your conversion rate up fast!
Ilse’s doing a lot right and she has the results to prove it.Since she joined the Inner Circle in January, her sales have more than quadrupled!Her traffic is strong, at more than 10K monthly web visitors, a great average order value of about $55, and a solid repeat...
Buried in work? 3 things you can do to fix it fast.
In this episode of 15 Minute Feedback, I’m chatting with our Inner Circle member Abigail Stout Abigail Stout owns: www.sprouteddreams.com She creates the most magical realms with her sweet miniature fairy gardens. Abigail is literally buried in work, and it’s giving...
Anna works one day a month to earn a week’s worth of profit
Anna Aliza makes beautiful hair clips for kids. She has a thriving business. For a while, she had a subscription box, where she sent out clips to her members every month. But there’s a problem. No matter how hard she works, her income will always be limited because...
How Julie can manage cash flow and grow her product line.
In this episode of 15 Minute Feedback, I’m chatting with our Inner Circle member Julie Drake. Julie owns www.mimigowns.comHere’s how she describes her business: “I sell fancy, comfy nightgowns to millennial women. We launched in June 2019 with 3 nightgown styles (all...
Here’s how we set Edwin up to get consistent sales every month
A few months ago, Edwin and I recorded an episode of 15 minute feedback. Edwin and his brother Joel, recently pivoted from selling coffee-themed apparel to actually selling their own branded coffee. 2019 has a been a wild ride, and when I asked Edwin how I could help,...
Feel like engagement is dead? Jenn did too.
Our Inner Circle Member Jenn was frustrated because: She’s struggling to get engagement in a popular niche (she makes dog carriers) She’s posting 2 times a day and feels lucky if she gets a couple of “likes” on the post. And, she’s been trying to build her custom...
Fix your Conversion funnel in 10 minutes
Our Inner Circle member Camilla was concerned about her conversion rate of only 0.79%. She’s a smart cookie - and she knew she should look at her Conversion Funnel. Add to cart Reached checkout Sessions converted Camilla had a serious drop off in her funnel. That’s...
A strategy for Alison to double her paycheck.
When I started to chat with Alison about her business, she told me that she’d love to be able to take a much bigger paycheck. Maybe you can relate? I think it’s important for all of us to feel like we’re well compensated for all our risk and hard work. With that one...
Here’s what to do when you feel like nothing is working
Our Inner Circle member Therese is super frustrated because she’s worked hard to get her site set up and ready for customers. And she has it all going on. Take a look:https://www.couturebridalaccessories.co.ukShe has beautiful, compelling images, she’s good at copy,...
A tip you can implement to get more sales today
Last week our super smart Inner Circle member Allie, posted about her success with a little sales event. It was so easy, so un-fussy, and so smart, I had to share it with you. Watch this 3 minute video and you’ll see how you can use this strategy to: ---> Growing...
Here’s how you can sell your products, even if you hate Facebook.
Are you one of those people who actually wouldn’t be on social media if it wasn’t for business? If so, this is for you. Or, are you one of those people who have no idea what to say on social media that doesn’t make you feel all slimy, or worse? If so, then this is for...
Edwin’s secret to getting consistent sales
When Edwin launched his coffee business a few years ago, in his words, he was “showing up and hoping for sales”. And all the showing up got him about one sale a month. Pretty soon, what had started as a fun hobby, was not very fun, and he started looking for a way to...
Andrea’s business was “stuck”. Here’s how she fixed it.
Maybe you can relate. Andrea is a Maker. She makes beautiful Worship Flags. But that’s not all she does. She’s also the Strategist and the Marketing Manager in her business. Before I met Andrea, she’d done a great job of setting up her business, and she was ready to...
How to turn engagement into sales
Last week our Inner Circle member, Naomi, had a post on Facebook that was shared more than 800 times. And it had a ton of “likes” and comments. Naomi asked me how she could take advantage of the great feedback she got from the post, so I made a quick video. We often...
How Sina got $1100 in extra sales last week
Have you met Sina? She’s a new-ish member of the Inner Circle. She’s working through the lessons in Conversion School, and she came across a lesson about getting some sales fast. Ninja Style. She watched the Inner Circle lesson, and then put it into action. 24 hours...
How Rebecca found her best source of sales (you can do this too)
Meet Rebecca, our Inner Circle Member from Australia. She’s this month’s 15-minute Feedback celebrity guest! Rebecca applied for 15-minute Feedback because she’s been driving traffic to her site, Traffic Bootcamp style, for a few months. And she feels a little stuck....
Jessica wants to pay herself $2,000/mo. Here’s how it can be done!
One of our Inner Circle members, Jessica Ays, owns the shop www.DoubleTheStitches.com. She has the goal to start paying herself $2,000/mo and draw a regular income for all her work. While she feels that she’s making an hourly rate for her time spent knitting, she’s...
Want to Double Your Web Traffic?
Our Inner Circle Member, Kelly, has a cool little Shopify store called ShopRollick.com She’s doing a lot of things right. Her site looks great, she knows her numbers, and she has a small but mighty base of loyal customers. But here’s the thing: Her sales are about...
How Renee got 5x more clicks with some easy changes
Sometimes as shop owners, we get too close to our product and forget what we're selling. We get lost in the weeds and start highlighting product features that are obvious or insignificant to the consumer. It usually becomes something that doesn't stand out or...
Is it time for your business to pivot? A 15 minute feedback session.
Byron Francis is an amazing guy with a mission. He’s the founder of WorldSmartApparel.com, a non profit that helps under represented teens have a study abroad experience. World Smart relies on grants to fund their projects. Recently, Byron started a Print-on-Demand...
Cheap clicks but no sales?
Today we're here with one of our Inner Circle members who's in the hot seat for a 15 Minute Feedback. This is where one of our members gets chosen to ask one burning question and we'll tell them what we think.Joanne has a women's fashion business, Steel Pony, with a...
Here’s how one thing can change EVERYTHING
Milissa is super active and a great cheerleader in our Inner Circle group. So when it was time to ask a member to help me with 15 minute feedback, she was top on my list. You see, Milissa has lots of success selling her products in person at events like the Pittsburgh...
From 20 orders a month to 150 orders a month. Tania’s year in the Inner Circle
Want advice from an Inner Circle member that increased her business by more than 80% using the strategies from her lessons in the Inner Circle? Meet Tania, one of our annual members who found huge success online and closed her successful brick and mortar boutique. See...
Nicholas’s strategy to fund his launch with pre-orders will make you watch twice!
What if I told you that we have a member in our Inner Circle that only had an idea for a business when he joined us 5 months ago? And then what would you say if I told you that within 2 months of joining the Inner Circle, he put together and executed a launch plan...
She gets a paycheck. How Anna Aliza turned her hobby into a real business.
Are you itching to get a real paycheck from your business? Maybe you work full time, and you’d love to give up your day job, and have the time you need to create the business of your dreams. Well, 2 years ago, That was exactly where Anna-Aliza was. In fact, she gave...
15 Minute Feedback Featuring: Haha No Yume
Majorie sells adorable kimonos for babies and toddlers. She has some of the very best lifestyle images I’ve ever seen. In fact, I’d say that her images scream “buy me”. A quick look at Majorie’s stats in Google Analytics tells us that the user experience on her site...
15 Minute Feedback Featuring: Catch the Fire
Members of the Inner Circle have the opportunity to have Susan review their website and provide them with three actionable steps to get more website traffic. Interested in learning more about the Inner Circle? Click here. This 15 Minute Feedback reviews Catch The Fire...
15 Minute Feedback Featuring: The Up Filer
This 15 Minute Feedback reviews The Up Filer www.theupfiler.comMembers of the Inner Circle have the opportunity to have Susan review their website and provide them with three actionable steps to get more website traffic. Interested in learning more about the Inner...